Monday, 31 October 2016

Sarenith 16th 14 - I’m more of a "wait till shit happens and fix it" rogue, rather than a "waste time looking for traps" rogue

The group rest passes uneventfully.

Via various uses of spells and magical items the group make their way over to the island and stand at the base of the large pillar where amongst the undergrowth they eventually find the entrance.

Through the entrance way they find a passageway which is 80ft long and then turns right at end.

About halfway down the passageway the group find an archway containing an alcove.

In the alcove is a pile of coins and a jade bracelet which seemed similar to the details of one found in Varnhold a while ago.

After turning right at the bend where the passageway carries on for 30ft and opens into a diamond shaped chamber where its ceiling vaults up to 30ft with 3 ways to exit, the left passage ends in a stone wall, whilst the centre and right have broken walls leading to further alcoves.

Vaneer and Miro suddenly hear noises from the southern alcove to which Natalia confirms with her darkvision that there is a dead Cyclops zombie approaching the group.

Not wasting any time, Otto casts a scorching ray.
Hugo charges into combat and gets hit by the zombie whilst managing to land a blow on the undead creature himself. 
Miro flanks the zombie and stabs the creature in the back.
Vaneer attacks the zombie and hits.
Bob attacks and misses.
Natalia attacks and kills the zombie just as a fist suddenly breaks through the wall at the end of the eastern passage.

The fist appears to belong to another zombie as it starts to break down the wall.
Otto casts flaming sphere, the majority of group wait to see what happens next.
Vaneer charges in with his trident and hits.
Miro attacks and misses.
Hugo attacks and hits.
Boss throws an alchemists fire at the zombie.
Otto casts his scorching rays the zombie killing it.

After some exploring of the area, Natalia and Miro discover a secret door behind the wall at the end of the central passage.

Miro gives it the all clear and opens the door after Vaneer loosens it for him.

The door opens into a natural vaulted cavern where the group find themselves standing on a ledge with a large body of water below.

Vaneer attempts to push Miro over the ledge only to have Miro grab Vaneer as he goes over taking both adventurers into the water.

Vaneer and Miro explore the water area and Vaneer discovers a passage way under waters surface which is close to the ledge, whilst Miro finds another passage way on the far side of the cavern.

Natalia assumes the form of an air elemental and goes through the passage that Miro found and discovers that it leads back outside to the lake.

Natalia repeats the method with the passage close to the ledge and after 40ft ends up in another chamber.

Natalia reports back to the group with her findings, after the update the rest of the group decide to swim along the passage into a 60x60ft cavern filled with old pottery dating back to an ancient empire according to Miro.

The only way out of the cavern is via a small set of stairs that lead to a set of bronze double doors. 

Miro checks the doors and gives them a clean bill of health.

The doors open into a 5ft long passage way which then opens into another room with 2 Cyclops statues halfway down the passage way.

The room is 40x40ft square with 16 Cyclops statues round the outer edge of the room.

Vaneer and Miro explore the room as it appears to be a dead end.

In the ceiling there is a number of circular doors and a stone door in one of the walls which leads though into a 10ft long passage way with stairs at the end heading up.

Just as the group where about to explore the stairs suddenly there is an enormous rattling as two portcullis’s drop down trapping the group in the room full of statues, and as things couldn’t get any worse the holes in the ceiling start to open up pouring water into the square room.

As the room begins to fill the group run around trying to find how to disable the flooding trap but with no clue in sight the group decides to use a dimension door beyond the portcullis and head up the stairs.

The staircase winds upwards to the 2nd level which opens up on to a 10ft wide 30ft long corridor which turns right and ends in a set of bronze doors.

Miro finally checks for traps and opens the doors. 

The doors open into a 40ft long chamber by 60ft wide with pillars carved with leering fiends snarling all around and a number of small alters are situated around the room along with one large stone alter against the southern most wall which sat next to one of the two bronze double doors leading out of the room.

Group investigate the room and find nothing of nothing.

They then debate about which of the 2 remaining bronze doors to open, eventually they open the one to the left of them which leads into a 20ft long corridor that turns left for 30ft and then turns 45 degrees to the left for another 30ft ending in a set of stairs going down.

The group head down the stairs and find themselves in a 40ft long corridor which ends in a single bronze door.

The single door opens into a large chamber with numerous burial alcoves which appear to be empty and at the Far end and round the corner of the room stood a further bronze door.

On entering the room though all minus Otto notice 2 more soul eaters flying near the ceiling of the room and that descend towards the group.

Boss shoots and hits.
Otto casts Haste.
Vaneer casts a magic circle against evil.
Miro waits and plans his attack.
Hugo follows Miro’s example and waits to attack.
Natalia attacks both of the soul eaters with magical fire.
Soul eater(1) attacks Miro and hits.
Soul eater(2) attacks Bob and hits.

Otto and Boss attack both creatures.
Vaneer casts shield of faith.
Miro attempts to faint and succeeds but only manages to hit 1.
Hugo attacks a soul eater(1) and destroys it.
Bob attacks soul eater(2) and hits.
Natalia fireballs creature 2 and hits.
Soul eater(2) attacks Natalia and misses.
Boss shoots soul eater(2) and hits.
Otto casts magic missile and hits destroying the soul eater.

The group head to only door leading out of the room which leads into a 40ft passage way that turns left and ends in another bronze door.

Opening the door reveals a 15x15ft room in lime plaster with a single bronze door leading out.

Opening the door reveals another room of 5x25 size that contains a stone bench and a stone statue of a Cyclops against the north wall.

Miro checks out the statue and finds a secret door behind it, the door appears to radiate magic but Miro claims it isn’t trapped.

Multiple attempts are made to open the door but Otto eventually announces that the door is magically locked so Natalia tries to dispel the magical luck but has no luck.

Natalia shifts into the form of a stone elemental and melds through the wall into the room beyond the locked secret door.

Natalia eventually returns and says that there is a 20x30ft room with many eyes carved into the walls, but to open the door the group would require a mass of strength or an expert lock picker at which Miro huffs.

The group decide to leave the room alone and head back to the burial alcoves and open the remaining door from that room.

The passage way beyond curves away and is full of fumes whilst the temperature increases.

Natalia identifies that the fumes are poisonous and being the only person immune to poison and with Vaneer low on spells to give any immunities she volunteers to investigate the area on behalf of the group.

As the druid explores the passage she soon finds herself over a pit of boiling white sulphuric liquid.  Whilst investigating Natalia notices a creature across the pit watching her, the creature almost skeleton like with a dropped jaw expression.

The creature slowly touches its chest and then begins to levitate towards the ceiling out of sight.

Not sure what to do Natalia waits to see what the creature does first and after a while she attempts to dispel the levitation but fails.

Then from the shadows of the ceiling 2 scorching rays fly towards Natalia only just missing the druid.

Natalia casts a spell back and hits with a flamestrike but only to have the creature cast another spell but as it starts to take hold of Natalia’s mind she finds the strength to resist.

Natalia begins to summon some allies (air elementals) to aid in her fight.

The creature casts a spell and flames begin to cover its body.

The summoned Air elementals appear and attack the creature with only one l elemental landing a successful blow.

Natalia casts a call lightening spell and strikes the creature.
Creature casts a fireball spell at Natalia and hits.
The Air elementals attack and all of them hit.
Natalia call’s another lightening strike again and hits the creature.
The creature appears to have stopped moving and is possibly dead.

Natalia uses the air elementals to bring the lifeless skeleton to her as it is still levitating and starts to drag the skeleton back to the group.

When Natalia presents the skeleton to the group Vaneer recognises the creature instantly but from when he was alive and not as an undead creature, the person was know as a Cephal Lorentus whom was on the Varnhold council and appears to have been dead due to a broken neck for at least 2 weeks.

The group now head back to the other set of double bronze doors in the room with the pillars.

Vaneer opens the door, just at the perfect time where the large alter next to the door bursts into black fire enveloping everyone apart from Miro.

After a short argument between the cleric and the rogue as to why they drag along a rogue that can’t find traps they group find that beyond the doors waited an 20x30ft long corridor with a set of double doors on left and the corridor finally opens into a room in at end.

The group check the double doors on the left which opens into a short passage way 15ft long and then turns right where a set of steps seem to go down to a dead end, Vaneer suggests that the group take advantage of an opportune place to rest but after some debate it is suggested to push a little further.

The group turns around and heads back up to check out the room at the end of the corridor, the room opens into a 30x30 area with a corridor opposite carries the corridor onwards.

As the group walks into the room an explosion of mist occurs in the centre as a creature appears and walks out of the mist with giant claws for hands ‘Pisco Daemon’.

Will the battle tired group survive this encounter? Stay tuned and find out.

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