The next game is NEVER!!! HAHHHAAAAAA
Well it's been almost 5 years in the doing but we've finally completed the campaign without a single TPK (Total Party Kill) Whooooo!!! Thanks for keeping with us and reading my terrible updates. We're currently discussing our next adventure but alas I shalt be recording it. As a new dad of just over a year has taught me I don't have the spare time to keep up the blogging.
All the best on your future adventures.
Dave - 18th May 2019
After a break we'll be back to gaming in the next month, so I have amended the last three posts and included a lot of exposition for players to familiarise themselves with what the heck happened last session and remind them of what's coming up.
Luke - 30th June 2018
The players are just finishing up the fifth adventure and will be starting on the final part next session so am updating quests and NPC info accordingly. Will also add a dream interlude section (inspired by Paizo posts) to the blog which will be added to between sessions; if the players don't notice, well, you can't always remember a dream once you wake up...
Luke - 14th January 2018
Can't believe I haven't posted in the News section for almost a year! yikes!! Well the blog is up to date from our December session. Happy New year and all that malarkey.
Dave - 31st December 2017
Dave has updated the blog and I have updated the 'Missions' page; I also aim to update the 'People of Interest' page within the next day or so.
Luke - 3rd November 2017
Have made some slight amendments to the last slew of gaming entries to give more background and explanations regarding certain events.
PPS. Interesting rules clarification, whilst stat penalties caused by spells do not stack (such as those caused by Ray of Enfeeblement) stat damage and stat drain caused by spells do stack (such as Chill Touch)
Luke - 17th June 2017
Interesting rules clarification, did you know that a character with multiple attacks can instead make multiple sunder attempts (not just one) and can make a sunder attempt instead of a regular attack for an Attack of Opportunity?
Luke - 30th May 2017
Happy New year all!! Updates are going up now and as soon as I can type the rest, I've also got some map updates to do as well.
Dave - 8th January 2017
Maps are now up to date!
Dave - 7th October 2016
Sorry for the delay folks but the blogs now finally up to date!! Whoooo!! I don't want to go through 40 pages of notes ever again! So the updates should be more frequent from now on! Now on to the maps!
Dave - 4th October 2016
Have updated the 'People of Interest' page.
Have updated the 'Missions' page.
Added a summary of campaign events and have posted divinations and research pertinent to the third adventure which the party are looking into via divine spells and research at their city's newly built university.
Luke - 15th August 2016
Have updated 'The Party' information page.
Have updated the 'People of Interest' page.
Have updated the 'Kingdom Leadership Roles' page.
Have updated the 'Missions' page.
Some notes derived from kingdom building between Year 4-14 which could be incorporated into future blogs:
After the events of the Fellnight Realm in Year 4-December, both a monument was and a graveyard were established at the Elven/Fey ruins where the portal opened. Due to the high number of slain soldiers in the war a couple of other graveyards were built in Dragonmere's settlements. Unfortunately a powerful necromancer capitalised on the number of slain, the demoralised public, the reduced army size and fatigue of the council members. This resulted in several hordes of undead plaguing the region. The council were able to put down the undead with help from the Church of Pharasma and stopped the necromancer's schemes, but they weren't able to put an end to the perpetrator who fled from their lands.
In Year 5, After the Fellnight wards and the Necromancer threat, several council members had to retire from their positions and were replaced with newer hardier folk to help support Duke Otto.
In Year 7, Emerald City was built up to be a thriving small city with various forms of entertainment (Menagerie, Theatre, Arena, Black Market) with some support from several aristocratic families who moved into the city.
In Year 9, To reassure a lot of worried public and fey citizens who were concerned over the aggressive expansion of farmland in the grass and hill sections of Dragonmere, Duke Otto decreed that large swathes of the Narlmarches forest would become forest reserves to protect the heritage, traditions and homes of various folk, flora and fauna.
In Year 10, A particularly vile and outspoken troublemaker began convincing the populace that both Otto and Old Beldame were corrupted by evil magic and were turning the nearby forests in enchanted nightmare landscapes the bedevil the minds of citizens and covert with beings from far away planes. Though the schemes of the man were stopped it generated a significant amount of unrest for a good many months to come.
In Year 10, Treasurer Alyanna Varn unveiled expansion plans she had drawn up for her father who ruled neighbouring Varnhold but to no avail (as he liked the smaller more intimate nature of his kingdom). Will support from her fiancée, Vaneer Cankerbond, she adjusted used these ideas and turned it into a grand expansion of Wyvernshore, which was unanimously accepted by the council. The new district who feature a Cathedral, University and several training academies, turning the Capital into a hub of lore, learning and training for the body, mind and soul.
End of Year 10, with the Cathedral to Erastil being the first building to be completed in the new district Alyanna and Vaneer were married within it.
Year 14, the new district is finally complete and the discoveries and knowledge it brings allow the council to implement the most cutting edge improvements to their city (Paved Streets, Magical Streetlamps, Everflowing Springs and vastly superior Sewer Systems).
Luke - 22nd May 2016
Right that's all the updates for now as I need to type up the notes from the last 2 sessions so there are still more to come and I'll try and get them done before next month's game. There are still various updates that need doing to various other pages here but please bear with me I'm determined to get back on top of this beast! Dave - 16th May 2016
So 4 months! well almost 4 months since my last update! tut tut tut.....shame on me! but never fail I have the next 14! yes 14 updates lined up I just need to title and format them, so stay tuned plus there's at least another 3 I think that I need to transcribe still so the updates are coming! If you're after reasons for me slacking I blame a lack of free time thanks to a change of job and the evil evil wedding planning! oh and the Playstation! Dave - 3rd May 2016
Whoop!! Whoop!! I'm finally up to date!! Thanks to my lovely assistant! so I'm all ready for the next gaming session..this weekend! Ah well thats at least 2 days where I don't have to worry about getting the updates done :-) Oh! and Happy New year and all that snizzle - Dave - 20th January 2016
Yeah...sooo apologies for taking just over a month to get the next set of updates on, still have 20 pages to write up! wooooo!! getting there slowly! still determined to be upto date ready for next session, the updated map is done but not uploaded yet due to technical issues involving screen sizes..d'oh! so please bear with me - Dave - 29th December 2015
So final updates from the October game are finally done!!! - Sorry for the delay I use health issues and life as an excuse but never the less the updates will keep coming and I hope we will be up to date by the next game on Saturday 12th December. - Dave - 22nd November 2015
Added a whole lot of information regarding building kingdoms and various information needed to help the players decide ahead of the next session who to side with and get Build Points from in order to start creating their capital in their newly received kingdom. Will tidy up the Kingdom Buildings section later and add in the various hex improvements. Luke - 2nd September 2015
Amended the most recent post to put in more info about the recently visited village, Ravenmoor. Also added in information regarding kingdom funding (though this may not be useful for players until the gaming session after next) Luke - 22nd August 2015
Took a little longer than expected...darn you real life! but I've now updated all of the groups adventures for the previous session, good thing too! only 2 weeks till the next one! - Dave - 18th August 2015
Have updated NPCs encountered in the last session and their details and possible motivations. Have also added in details about Ravenmoor and a couple of prominent deities. There may also be some subtle foreshadowing sprinkled throughout. - Luke - 26th July 2015
Well session over with, I've so far updated the groups missions and the map. Hopefully should get the first of the actual game updates done this week. - Dave - 7th July 2015
Whooo!!! That's it! All up to date for now, our next session is already sorted for early July so new posts should be coming soon!! So stay tuned! - Dave - 19th June 2015
Next update is on the way! Stay tuned and it should be ready to go early next week! - Dave - 10th June 2015
How about that! Two Party Journal updates in one day! There are more antics to come yet, so subscribe to keep up to date with the latest updates - Dave - 20th May 2015
Whooo! First Party Journal update finally posted! Darn internet breaking! next update is on it's way so keep those peepers open for it!! - Dave - 20th May 2015
Have added in the kobold quest and it's rewards (depending on who the PCs side with). Have also added detail on notable regions, locations, noble houses and NPCs which should give players a better understanding of locations and events that they may visit or become involved in (and helps me remember the political landscape in the background) - Luke - 16th May 2015
The first party journal update to the blog has gone live!! It may be small but there's more on the way so stay tuned!! - Dave - 14th May 2015
Welcome Traveller!! Please bear with me whilst I update this blog, our first gaming session has been and gone but alas it has left me with many notes and ideas that need transferring to this blog but don't worry there shall be updates!!! See, did you see that?! I've just updated it... seriously! check out the "The Crew" page - Dave - 7th May 2015