(5) Kingdom Turn Sequence

Each month the leaders of the kingdom will need to follow the below sequence in order to determine the fates and fortunes of their kingdom:

Phase 1 - Upkeep:
Step 1:  Determine Kingdom Stability - Make a Stability Check (d20 + Stability Score - Unrest Score vs Control DC).  This is rolled by the Warden.  
Step 2:  Pay Consumption - Subtract your kingdom’s Consumption (BP) from the treasury.  This is done by the Group but sanctioned by the Treasurer.
Step 3:  Modify Unrest - Unrest increases by 1 for each kingdom attribute that is a negative number (Economy, Loyalty and Stability).  This is done by the Group sanctioned by the Royal Enforcer.
Optional Step:  Royal Enforcer - The Royal Enforcer may attempt to reduce Unrest

Phase 2 - Edict:
Step 1:  Assign Leadership – Assign PCs or NPCs to any vacant leadership roles or change the roles being filled by PCs or willing NPCs.  This is done by the Group but sanctioned by the Ruler.
Step 2a: Claim Hexes – Pay 1 BP to claim an explored hex that is adjacent to at least 1 claimed hex in your kingdom.  This is done by the Group but sanctioned by the Marshal.
Step 2b: Abandon Hexes – You may abandon any number of hexes to reduce your kingdom's Size.  This is done by the Group but sanctioned by the Marshal.
Step 3: Build Terrain Improvements - You may spend BP to build terrain improvements like Farms, Forts, Roads and Mines within any hexes that are part of your Kingdom.  You may also prepare a hex for constructing a settlement.  This is done by the Group, but sanctioned by the Ruler.
Step 4a: Create Settlements - You may create a settlement in a claimed hex.  It starts with 1 (empty) district.  This is done by the Group, but sanctioned by the Ruler.
Step 4b: Improve Settlements - You may construct a building in any settlement in your kingdom, assuming you meet the prerequisites and have the BP to pay for it.  This is done by the Group, but sanctioned by the Ruler.
Step 5: Create Army Units - You may create, expand, equip, or repair army units.  This is done by the General.
Step 6: Issue Edicts - Select or adjust your edict levels.  
Holiday Edicts are rolled by the Councillor or High Priest
Diplomacy Edicts are rolled by the Grand Diplomat
Exploration Edicts are rolled by the Marshal
Vassalage Edicts are rolled by the Viceroy
Improvement Edicts are determined by the Group
Promotion Edicts are determined by the Group
Taxation Edicts are determined by the Treasurer

Phase 3 - Income:
Step 1: Treasury Withdrawals - You may withdraw BP from the Kingdom's’ Treasury and convert it into GP once per turn, but there is a penalty for doing so.  This is done by the Group but sanctioned by the Treasurer.
Step 2: Treasury Deposits - You can add funds to a kingdom’s Treasury by donating your personal wealth to the kingdom.  This is done by the Group but sanctioned by the Treasurer.
Step 3: Sell Expensive Items for BP - You can attempt to sell expensive personal items ( items worth more than 4,000 gp each) through your kingdom’s markets to add to your Treasury This is done by the Group but sanctioned by the Treasurer.
Step 4: Collect Taxes - Attempt an Economy Check (d20 + Economy + /- modifiers vs Control DC), divide the result by 3 (round down), and add a number of BP to your Treasury equal to the result.  This is done by the Treasurer.

Phase 4 – Event:
At the beginning of the Event Phase, the Gamesmaster rolls to see if a major event happens within the Kingdom.  There is a 25% chance of this happening (or 75% if no event occurred the previous Kingdom Turn)

Control DC:
Control DC = 20 + The Kingdom’s Size (in Hexes) + Total Number of Districts in all your Settlements + any other modifiers  from special circumstances or effects.  Unless otherwise stated, the Control DC is identical to the Kingdom Check

Amend the selling of personal goods and wealth (Income Phase, Step 2 & Step 3) to the below:

You can add funds to a kingdom’s treasury by donating coins, gems, jewellery, weapons, armour, magic items, and other valuables you find while adventuring. For every full 4,000gp in value of the deposit, increase your kingdom’s BP by 1.

Items that individually cost 4,000gp or less can be deposited without a check.  Items that individually cost more than 4,000gp must make a successful Economy check to be deposited.  The DC of this check is 10 + the gp value of the item divided by 1,000. For example, selling a pair of goggles of night – which have a market price of 12,000 gp – would require a DC 22 Economy check [10 + (12,000/1,000) = 22]. Successfully selling the goggles of night would increase your kingdom’s BP by 3.

You can attempt to make one such check per item over 4,000 gp each turn.
Abolish the selling of Magic Items section from the Kingmaker Adventure Path so it runs as per the rules in Ultimate Campaign and on the SRD: PCs cannot sell magic items that have been generated by shops in their kingdom to gain more BP!

As PCs can’t use generated magic items to immediately sell for free BP, there is no need to generate magic items at all.  Instead each magic item slot granted by a building instead bequests an extra % chance when a PC wants to buy a magic item and rolls to see if it is available for purchase:
1 minor slot     = 4% increased chance to get a minor item
1 medium slot  = 8%   / 4% increased chance to get a minor / medium item
1 major slot      = 16% / 8% / 4% increased chance to get a minor / medium / major item

Kingdom Turn Flowchart:
Kingdom Turn Flowchart (courtesy of 'Mr_Shed' from the paizo forums):

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