Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Sarenith 10th 14 - Ice isn't so nice!

The group rest uneventfully and continue their descent.

About half way down the mountain Natalia and Vaneer see a slight crack in the mountainside followed by a large cracking noise as 2 ice elementals suddenly appear in front of the group looking very annoyed and head straight towards the heroes.

Elemental 1 attacks Boss and hits.

Elemental 2 swipes at Hugo but misses.

Otto casts fireball at the elementals but both are nimble enough to reduce the damage.

Boss attacks elementals 1 and hits.

Hugo attacks elementals 2 and hits.

Miro twirls down the rope to attempt a stab at the elementals 2 and hits the creature in the head.

Vaneer casts searing light on elementals 2.

Natalia cast produce flame at elementals 1.

Elementals 2 attacks Hugo and hits.

Elementals 1 attacks Boss and hits.

Otto casts haste.

Boss attacks elementals 2 and hits it 3 times

Hugo attacks elementals 1 and hits it twice.

Miro attacks elementals 1 and hits 4 times and the ice elementals laughs at the Halfling as it absorbs all of the Halflings damage.

Vaneer throws his last alchemists fire at elemental 2 and hits.

Natalia casts a flaming weapon spell and shatters elemental 1.

Elemental 2 attacks Hugo but misses.

Otto casts magic missile at elemental 1 and shatters the hulking ice block.

The group continue on their descent and eventually decide to rest in a sheltered plateau.

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