Monday, 31 October 2016

Sarenith 16th 14 - I’m more of a "wait till shit happens and fix it" rogue, rather than a "waste time looking for traps" rogue

The group rest passes uneventfully.

Via various uses of spells and magical items the group make their way over to the island and stand at the base of the large pillar where amongst the undergrowth they eventually find the entrance.

Through the entrance way they find a passageway which is 80ft long and then turns right at end.

About halfway down the passageway the group find an archway containing an alcove.

In the alcove is a pile of coins and a jade bracelet which seemed similar to the details of one found in Varnhold a while ago.

After turning right at the bend where the passageway carries on for 30ft and opens into a diamond shaped chamber where its ceiling vaults up to 30ft with 3 ways to exit, the left passage ends in a stone wall, whilst the centre and right have broken walls leading to further alcoves.

Vaneer and Miro suddenly hear noises from the southern alcove to which Natalia confirms with her darkvision that there is a dead Cyclops zombie approaching the group.

Not wasting any time, Otto casts a scorching ray.
Hugo charges into combat and gets hit by the zombie whilst managing to land a blow on the undead creature himself. 
Miro flanks the zombie and stabs the creature in the back.
Vaneer attacks the zombie and hits.
Bob attacks and misses.
Natalia attacks and kills the zombie just as a fist suddenly breaks through the wall at the end of the eastern passage.

The fist appears to belong to another zombie as it starts to break down the wall.
Otto casts flaming sphere, the majority of group wait to see what happens next.
Vaneer charges in with his trident and hits.
Miro attacks and misses.
Hugo attacks and hits.
Boss throws an alchemists fire at the zombie.
Otto casts his scorching rays the zombie killing it.

After some exploring of the area, Natalia and Miro discover a secret door behind the wall at the end of the central passage.

Miro gives it the all clear and opens the door after Vaneer loosens it for him.

The door opens into a natural vaulted cavern where the group find themselves standing on a ledge with a large body of water below.

Vaneer attempts to push Miro over the ledge only to have Miro grab Vaneer as he goes over taking both adventurers into the water.

Vaneer and Miro explore the water area and Vaneer discovers a passage way under waters surface which is close to the ledge, whilst Miro finds another passage way on the far side of the cavern.

Natalia assumes the form of an air elemental and goes through the passage that Miro found and discovers that it leads back outside to the lake.

Natalia repeats the method with the passage close to the ledge and after 40ft ends up in another chamber.

Natalia reports back to the group with her findings, after the update the rest of the group decide to swim along the passage into a 60x60ft cavern filled with old pottery dating back to an ancient empire according to Miro.

The only way out of the cavern is via a small set of stairs that lead to a set of bronze double doors. 

Miro checks the doors and gives them a clean bill of health.

The doors open into a 5ft long passage way which then opens into another room with 2 Cyclops statues halfway down the passage way.

The room is 40x40ft square with 16 Cyclops statues round the outer edge of the room.

Vaneer and Miro explore the room as it appears to be a dead end.

In the ceiling there is a number of circular doors and a stone door in one of the walls which leads though into a 10ft long passage way with stairs at the end heading up.

Just as the group where about to explore the stairs suddenly there is an enormous rattling as two portcullis’s drop down trapping the group in the room full of statues, and as things couldn’t get any worse the holes in the ceiling start to open up pouring water into the square room.

As the room begins to fill the group run around trying to find how to disable the flooding trap but with no clue in sight the group decides to use a dimension door beyond the portcullis and head up the stairs.

The staircase winds upwards to the 2nd level which opens up on to a 10ft wide 30ft long corridor which turns right and ends in a set of bronze doors.

Miro finally checks for traps and opens the doors. 

The doors open into a 40ft long chamber by 60ft wide with pillars carved with leering fiends snarling all around and a number of small alters are situated around the room along with one large stone alter against the southern most wall which sat next to one of the two bronze double doors leading out of the room.

Group investigate the room and find nothing of nothing.

They then debate about which of the 2 remaining bronze doors to open, eventually they open the one to the left of them which leads into a 20ft long corridor that turns left for 30ft and then turns 45 degrees to the left for another 30ft ending in a set of stairs going down.

The group head down the stairs and find themselves in a 40ft long corridor which ends in a single bronze door.

The single door opens into a large chamber with numerous burial alcoves which appear to be empty and at the Far end and round the corner of the room stood a further bronze door.

On entering the room though all minus Otto notice 2 more soul eaters flying near the ceiling of the room and that descend towards the group.

Boss shoots and hits.
Otto casts Haste.
Vaneer casts a magic circle against evil.
Miro waits and plans his attack.
Hugo follows Miro’s example and waits to attack.
Natalia attacks both of the soul eaters with magical fire.
Soul eater(1) attacks Miro and hits.
Soul eater(2) attacks Bob and hits.

Otto and Boss attack both creatures.
Vaneer casts shield of faith.
Miro attempts to faint and succeeds but only manages to hit 1.
Hugo attacks a soul eater(1) and destroys it.
Bob attacks soul eater(2) and hits.
Natalia fireballs creature 2 and hits.
Soul eater(2) attacks Natalia and misses.
Boss shoots soul eater(2) and hits.
Otto casts magic missile and hits destroying the soul eater.

The group head to only door leading out of the room which leads into a 40ft passage way that turns left and ends in another bronze door.

Opening the door reveals a 15x15ft room in lime plaster with a single bronze door leading out.

Opening the door reveals another room of 5x25 size that contains a stone bench and a stone statue of a Cyclops against the north wall.

Miro checks out the statue and finds a secret door behind it, the door appears to radiate magic but Miro claims it isn’t trapped.

Multiple attempts are made to open the door but Otto eventually announces that the door is magically locked so Natalia tries to dispel the magical luck but has no luck.

Natalia shifts into the form of a stone elemental and melds through the wall into the room beyond the locked secret door.

Natalia eventually returns and says that there is a 20x30ft room with many eyes carved into the walls, but to open the door the group would require a mass of strength or an expert lock picker at which Miro huffs.

The group decide to leave the room alone and head back to the burial alcoves and open the remaining door from that room.

The passage way beyond curves away and is full of fumes whilst the temperature increases.

Natalia identifies that the fumes are poisonous and being the only person immune to poison and with Vaneer low on spells to give any immunities she volunteers to investigate the area on behalf of the group.

As the druid explores the passage she soon finds herself over a pit of boiling white sulphuric liquid.  Whilst investigating Natalia notices a creature across the pit watching her, the creature almost skeleton like with a dropped jaw expression.

The creature slowly touches its chest and then begins to levitate towards the ceiling out of sight.

Not sure what to do Natalia waits to see what the creature does first and after a while she attempts to dispel the levitation but fails.

Then from the shadows of the ceiling 2 scorching rays fly towards Natalia only just missing the druid.

Natalia casts a spell back and hits with a flamestrike but only to have the creature cast another spell but as it starts to take hold of Natalia’s mind she finds the strength to resist.

Natalia begins to summon some allies (air elementals) to aid in her fight.

The creature casts a spell and flames begin to cover its body.

The summoned Air elementals appear and attack the creature with only one l elemental landing a successful blow.

Natalia casts a call lightening spell and strikes the creature.
Creature casts a fireball spell at Natalia and hits.
The Air elementals attack and all of them hit.
Natalia call’s another lightening strike again and hits the creature.
The creature appears to have stopped moving and is possibly dead.

Natalia uses the air elementals to bring the lifeless skeleton to her as it is still levitating and starts to drag the skeleton back to the group.

When Natalia presents the skeleton to the group Vaneer recognises the creature instantly but from when he was alive and not as an undead creature, the person was know as a Cephal Lorentus whom was on the Varnhold council and appears to have been dead due to a broken neck for at least 2 weeks.

The group now head back to the other set of double bronze doors in the room with the pillars.

Vaneer opens the door, just at the perfect time where the large alter next to the door bursts into black fire enveloping everyone apart from Miro.

After a short argument between the cleric and the rogue as to why they drag along a rogue that can’t find traps they group find that beyond the doors waited an 20x30ft long corridor with a set of double doors on left and the corridor finally opens into a room in at end.

The group check the double doors on the left which opens into a short passage way 15ft long and then turns right where a set of steps seem to go down to a dead end, Vaneer suggests that the group take advantage of an opportune place to rest but after some debate it is suggested to push a little further.

The group turns around and heads back up to check out the room at the end of the corridor, the room opens into a 30x30 area with a corridor opposite carries the corridor onwards.

As the group walks into the room an explosion of mist occurs in the centre as a creature appears and walks out of the mist with giant claws for hands ‘Pisco Daemon’.

Will the battle tired group survive this encounter? Stay tuned and find out.

Sunday, 30 October 2016

Sarenith 15th 14 - Valley of the Dead? Its just a name.....right!?!

The group awake well rested.

They waste no time and head out early and soon arrive at the valley of undead.

As they begin to walk through into the valley they soon find themselves walking past vast and numerous grave stones for which the valley is named.

After a while of wandering through the valley Natalia eventually spots a red tree nearby, whilst 500ft away in the opposite direction of the tree a crack at the end of the valley reveals a carved stone staircase heading up into the mountain range above the valley.

After a short debate about which action should be taken first the group approach the fifth and hopefully final red tree, but as they get within 100ft of it all of them apart from Vaneer notice that the graves surrounding the tree start to shake and move as 3 dozen skeletons, some of which appeared to be on fire erupt from the graves and approach the group.

As the 3 dozen skeletons begin their slow approach Natalia, Otto and Miro also notice out of the corner of their eyes a large hulking one eyed zombie trying to creep up on the group.

Otto casts fireball getting 2 of the skeletons.

Vaneer uses healing blasts and destroys 10 skeletons with his positive energy.

The remaining Skeletons all attack which all miss except one lonely skeleton that manages to claw Otto.

The Zombie approaches Vaneer and swings his great axe at the cleric but misses.

Bob attacks a skeleton and hits.

Natalia attacks a skeleton destroying it and leaving 10 left.

Miro attacks the Cyclops zombie and hits.

Hugo attacks the zombie and hits 3 times as the warriors blade pulls out some of the zombies intestines for added measure.

Otto finishes off the skeletons with another fireball.

Hugo despatches the zombie.

Group then make short work of destroying the red tree.

Before doing anything else Vaneer decides to cast a hide from undead spell on the group as they begin to head up the stone stairs which takes them winding through the mountains.

After a mile of climbing up through the mountain the group surprisingly bumps into Emissary sitting on the stairs ahead with a boiling kettle and a picnic spread.

The fey gentleman greets the group and the group returns his greeting as the fey motions for them to join him for a cuppa.

During the small banter, Emissary makes a comment he as an small issue, though he says that he has been forbidden to inform the group of what’s ahead of them but he is going to ignore that rule as there is an item up ahead that he really needs retrieving.

He continues to inform the group that up ahead is a slumbering warlord (Litch) which some annoying human has disturbed its rest whom had been slumbering for 10,000 years. Since waking the Litch has found the item that Emissary hid there and claimed the item as his own, and now Emissary requires the item back.  He continues to add that he doesn’t need this item now so the group could use the item till it is required at which point the group would have to return the item (Oculus) to Emissary when he comes to claim the item.

Miro asks the fey if he has a magical blunt weapon he could borrow but the fey says no though it would be in the rogues interest to check at the wyvern cave up ahead if that is what he requires.

With the tea pot now empty Emissary says his farewells and just before vanishing he says that something approaches. 

The group cautiously carry along the route up and through the mountains and after a short period the group notice a slight rumbling noise and vibration through the stone stairs.

The group stop to see if the vibrations are getting closer and notice it is steadily getting closer, a little worried at what could cause such a vibration and still not be insight of them.

The group decide to head back down the path to where they previously saw a ledge and climb their way up to the ledge some 40ft above the stairway and await to see that the source of the vibration as a mass of 500 zombies come marching down the stairway.

As the mass of the undead passed beneath the group could see that all of the zombies appear to be human each with missing craniums.

Once the zombies had marched past a couple of the group members start to worry what the masses destination was so Otto decides to send a message to the centaurs warning them of the zombie heard in case they are making their way to the centaur camp.

Now that the hoard had passed the group begin to climb down from the ledge and continue their way up the stairs hoping that if they destroy what ever awaits them it will destroy the marching zombie army.

After 2 miles of walking along the stairway all of the group apart from Vaneer are surprised as 2 balls of black smoke (Soul Eaters) suddenly appear and attack the group.

Soul Eater(1) attacks Vaneer.
Soul Eater(2) attacks Natalia and drains some of her wisdom.
Vaneer tries to cast dismissal at the extra planar creatures but fails.
Soul Eater(1) attacks and misses Vaneer.
Soul Eater(2) hits Natalia twice.
Vaneer casts holy smite injuring Bob which sends the Honey badger into a rage against the cleric.

Miro attempts to feint Soul Eater(2) and hits dealing only one damage.
Hugo attacks Soul Eater(2) and hits.
Boss shoots at Soul Eater(2) and defeats the soul eater.
Otto fires an array of magic missiles at Soul Eater(1).
Natalia shifts into the form of an earth elemental.
Bob attacks Vaneer and hits 3 times dealing a fair chunk of damage.
Soul Eater(1) hits Vaneer twice.
Vaneer casts shield of faith to help alleviate some of the brutal attacks against him.
Miro attacks and hits Soul Eater(1).
Hugo attacks and hits Soul Eater(1).
Boss shoots at Soul Eater(1) and misses.
Otto casts another barrage of magic missile killing the remaining soul eater.

Vaneer sets to work and attempts to restore some of Natalia’s wisdom drain so she can us her druidic magic to calm the still raging Bob before tending to the rest of the parties wounds.

The group carry on their walk for another 2 miles (8 miles in total so far) and find themselves entering into a clearing that is nestled in between the mountains, in the clearing there was a green/black coloured lake occupying the majority of the clearing and with a waterfall cascading down into the lake from a mountainside above. Though most importantly in the middle of the lake sat a small island with a tall stone structure, they also happen to notice that there is a large opening in one of the cavern walls with a slight overhang.

The group circle the lake and find a place narrow enough to allow them to dimensionally travel to the other side of the cliffs and then use the rope of climbing to climb down to the cave where they believed the wyverns are located.

Unfortunately as the group climb down the wyverns emerge from the cave and take flight and prepare to defend their lair,

Natalia notices a small black bird also takes flight from cave and that it is most likely the same magical bird that was flying around her back in Varnhold.

As the group reach the ledge the wyverns attack.

Miro quickly backs into the cave and attempts to hide.
Hugo goes defensive and follows Miro into the cave.
Natalia casts flame strike.
Wyvern(1) attacks and misses Natalia.
Wyvern(2) flies into the cave after Hugo but misses it’s attack.
Hugo retaliates against the charging wyvern and hits.
Miro also takes an opportunistic strike against Wyvern(2) but misses.
Vaneer hits Wyvern(1) twice.

Boss shoots and misses Wyvern(1).
Otto casts scorching ray on Wyvern(1) which critically injures the creature.
Miro attacks Wyvern(2).
Hugo attacks Wyvern(2).
Bob attacks Wyvern(2) and kills it.
Natalia attacks Wyvern(1) and kills it.

After the combat the group find that the cave is high enough and secure enough for a place to rest their battle torn bodies and so the group rests.

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Sarenith 14th 14 - Please sir! Can we kill you for definite this time?

The group awake well rested with the exception of Boss whom struggled whilst passing his implanted eggs.

The group set about getting ready and prepare for the dark centaur’s return.

As expected dark tendrils started to appear from the dark fighters armour as he began to reform his body, once regenerated Vaneer asked for a moment before the inevitable fight just to talk, confused the centaur warrior cautiously agreed.

At that point Natalia, Otto and Vaneer began talking to Kerezar about the history and story that they had uncovered about him and about the deeds that turned him mad before informing the centaur that they are willing to help him with his atonement and redeeming his soul.

A very long 5 minutes pass as Kerezar ponders the adventurer’s words whilst giving them the impression that their little talk had no effect but the centaur gives a heavy sigh in relief and agrees to the atonement providing the adventurers prove their worth by defeating him in one last fight.

What followed was a quick fight and just before he succumbed to the wounds he had been dealt Kerezar stops the fight and agrees to surrender and open himself to the group’s attempts to set him free.

Vaneer begins the ritual but casting a consecrate spell over the area.

As the cleric begins to cast the break enchantment spell he is forced to spend a hero as a large mysterious mars bar lands on his foot to distract him and the spell finally takes root.

Natalia then steps up and casts atonement over the centaur which breaks the hold that the armour has over the grave knight allowing him to rip off the armour and then stamp on the armour to destroy, this act then releases his spirit and allows him to vanish finally pass on some important information to the group before joining his kin in the after-lands.

Kerezar tells the group that the ancient creature that controlled him was an undead creature that rested for centuries until recently where it was awoken by a human trespasser. He urges the group to destroy him now as currently he is weak but is building a force, collecting information and gaining strength with each passing day.

Now with a nasty reoccurring villain finally out of the way the group head back to the nomen tribe to inform the high priestess and Acora Silverfire (war priestess) that Karezar’s soul has now been put to peaceful rest.

After that conversation, Acora informs the group that her daughter hasn’t yet returned from investigating the valley of the dead in the far south and tasks the group to travel there and find out her fate.

The group agree to make haste at Acora’s request and head south straight away till evening falls when they set up camp and get ready to rest overnight.

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Sarenith 13th 14 - Oh the horror!!! – Someones going to be a Mummy

The group awake from a peaceful night.

The group set off from the nomen tribe and head off to find this mysterious stone.

Whilst on route Natalia flies over Vanhold to see if there is any sign of a red tree within the town and finds no red tree but she does spot various men investigating the town from the house Surtova, she also notices a magical aura from a nearby raven.

Eventually Natalia returns to the group and updates the group of what she saw at Vanhold before the group continue their journey to the mysterious stone Natalia sends a message to the contours about the men in Vanhold.

After a while both Vaneer and Miro hear a soft noise asking for help but with no sight of the source. 

Eventually Vaneer convinces Zzamas the phase spider to present herself as she asks the group to kill the dimensional intruders that are keeping her away from her home and offers a chest she found as a reward, the group agree and ask to be taken to intruders.

Zzamas takes them to the rock where that place overlaps the other place and where the Evil creatures have moved in and aim to take over everything (Xill).

Otto uses his knowledge and remembers that the Xill possibly have spell resistance and that when they bite they inject eggs into victim.

Once the group arrive at the Ghost stone the prep and approach the stone as 5 Xill’s appear.

Xill(1) attacks and misses Natalia,

Xill(2) attacks and misses Boss,

Xill(5) and Xill(4) attacks and miss Vaneer,

Xill(5) attacks and hits Otto and spends a hero point to pass the fortitude save,

Vaneer hits Xill(3) twice.

Otto steps back 5ft and casts scorching ray at Xill(5) and hitting the creature.

Boss attacks Xill(2) and hits,

Xill(3) attacks Vaneer but misses,

Boss attacks Xill(2) and hits.

Miro (currently invisible) sneaks up on Xill(5) and attacks sneakily only to end up hitting the Xill normally.

Hugo attacks Xill(5) but misses.

Natalia calls down a bolt of lightening onto Xill(1),

Bob attacks Xill(1) and injures the creature,

Natalia casts flaming sphere,

Xill(1) attacks Bob and hits,

Xill(2) attacks Boss with 4 out of its 5 attacks which results Bob becoming paralysed,

Xill(5) attacks Miro hits with 3 out of 5 attacks,

Xill(3) attacks Vaneer and critically bites the cleric on the arm,

Xill(4) attacks Vaneer and misses,

Vaneer misses Xill(3),

Zzamas finally appears briefly to attack Xill(3) but fails to hit,

Otto casts hideous laughter on Xill(5) but the spell fails to take hold. ,

Hugo attacks Xill(5) and hits twice,

Miro attacks Xill(5) and criticals the creature in its egg sack killing it instantly and steps towards Xill(2),

Natalia brings down another bolt of lightening on Xill(1) and hits it,

Natalia also moves her Flaming sphere but it misses her targets,

Bob attacks Xill(1) and kills it,

Natalia shifts into an elemental form,

Xill(2) and Boss are currently blurred out for a rated 18 scene involving Xill eggs as the rest of the group watch in horror,

Xill(3) hits Vaneer with a claw,

Xill(4) misses Vaneer,

Zzamas fails to hit anything again before phasing out,

Otto casts another hideous laughter on Xill(2), 

Vaneer hits Xill(3) twice.

Miro attacks Xill(2) almost killing the creature,

Hugo attacks Xill(2) and hits finally killing it,

Natalia casts lightening bolt on Xill(4) hitting it, whilst her flaming sphere has no effect,

Natalia (now an earth elemental) attacks Xill(4) and hits,

Bob attacks the now flanked Xill(4) and hits,

Xill(4) attacks Bob and misses,

Xill(3) attacks Vaneer and misses,

ZZama finally hits Xill(3) killing it through constitution loss, 

Vaneer hits Xill(4) twice,

Otto finally casts another hideous laughter on Xill(4) successfully,

Miro attacks Xill(4) and kills it,

With combat over Vaneer begins to cast a remove disease on Boss to remove the implanted eggs before removing the paralysis.

The group now wait as they camp for the evening watching Boss with eagle eyes for the moment he has to take care of business and pass the eggs.

Sarenith 12th 14 - Kerezar - The Centaur Nightmare Returns

In the morning the group is woken abruptly by Hugo shouting ‘WE HAVE A MASSIVE PROBLEM!!!’. 

As the group stir they see he points towards a set of dark armour with a regenerating dark centaur, ‘Hope you’re rested for round 2!’ says the grinning dark horseman.

Vaneer who has not had time to prey for his spells this morning then confirms that their foe is indeed a grave knight and to destroy him his armour must also be destroyed.

Otto used daylight which hurts the dark horseman.

Boss attacks and hits.

Natalia casts dispel magic at the contour which has no effect.

Dark centaur moves to attack Miro but misses.

Vaneer casts prayer.

Miro attacks and hits.

Otto casts haste.

Boss attacks but misses.

Natalia steps up to the centaur and casts a cure spell on the creature dealing partial damage.

Centaur “Kerezar” attacks Miro and hits the Halfling.

Vaneer casts bull strength.

Hugo misses.

Miro attacks and hits very well.

Otto casts magic missile and the missiles kill the dark centaur again.

Vaneer prayed for his spells before casting Lesser restoration on Miro, Natalia and Hugo.

Then Vaneer casts a divination to try and figure out what is happening with this grave knight.

After receiving some information from the divination spell the group head to see the Nomen tribe and by using various spells to expedite travel and arrive just after dusk on the same day.

Vaneer asks for a meeting with the tribe elders and any historians of the tribe.

Once the elders are gathered the cleric starts to explain about the grave knight issues the group has.

Ellenark (Nomen scholar) knows of the name “Kerezar” but needs to head back to hut to look at her notes.

Whilst waiting for Ellenark to return Otto asks the tribes elders if they could suggest where would be ideal to locate the 5th and final tree, they have no solid idea but suggest looking to the south at an ancient burial site.

The tribe also suggested looking at Vanhold and at a strange stone located in a valley south of Varnhold, which contains the bones of an ancient dragon. 

The group then hand over the 2 fertile Roc eggs to the nomen tribe as they had requested.

Eventually Ellenark returns with the notes she required and informed the group that Kerezar was known as the dark/last watchmen centuries ago. 

The centaur used to keep watch of a resting ground and was the last known guard, he was driven mad or was processed by what ever he was guarding (slumbering warlord). The centaur then killed his family and then jumped into a bonfire in his grief. 

Ellenark and Vaneer eventually agree that in order to defeat the grave knight that they need him to repent for his deeds and that they should tell him about the good deeds he’s done. The legendary battles he fought to protect the nomen tribe and obtaining a privileged position to protect a slumbering warlord in hopes that it would break what ever has hold on him.   

The group decided to rest for the night.

Sarenith 11th 14 - A killer mist and the Centaur Nightmare

They rest uneventfully and finish climbing down the mountain and off the mountain.

The group decide to head south towards Lake Silverstep and the 4th red tree but off in the distance dark clouds could be seen approaching from the south and a figure of a horse heading towards the group, in fright of the possibility this was the dark centaur Vaneer attempts to cast hide from undead.

The creature approaches and they could tell it was wearing dark armour and wielded a smoky/tendriled weapon. 

It was indeed the dark centaur and he appeared to not have seen the group as he ran past the group only to stab Miro in the side as he passed the hiding halfling and then slowed as he prepared to turn round.

Miro quickly necks a healing potion.

Natalia casts a spell to affect the terrain.

Otto casts another spell to affect the terrain in hopes to slow the creature.

Boss shoots and hits.

Centaur approaches Miro and attacks the Halfling.

Miro attempts to faint the dark creature but fails his attack doesn’t hit.

Hugo moves into combat and attacks.

Natalia attacks and hits.

Otto uses his staff of illumination and casts sunburst which leaves the centaur looking severely injured. 

Boss attacks and misses.

Vaneer casts consecrate which appeared to cast but the affect went weird for a second but the casting finally took hold in only to have neutralised another effect in the area.

Dark centaur beats the crap out of Miro dropping him into single hit points.

Miro attacks the centaur and hits as the creature disappears in a veil of smoke whilst its armour falls to the ground.

Otto casts detect magic and identify on the fullplate,

Vaneer appears unsure of the armour and asks the group to investigate it further before allowing anyone to wear it.

The group continues to head towards the lake silverstep.

Natalia uses her druidic ability to communicate with a otter at the lake and enquires if anything strange has happened in the lake recently.

The Otter mentions that there is less clams in the area,

Natalia also asks if there is a tree in the water somewhere and it responds that there is something that looks like a tree.

Natalia continues to question to see if the tree is protected but the otter’s response isn’t clear.

A feather token (swan boat) is used and summoned for use to transport the group across the water to the rough spot where the otter showed as the location for the tree.

As the boat glides across the water Natalia and Vaneer notice that some of the fog on the water is actually coloured red and is travelling towards the boat.

As the fog cloud got closer the cleric knew instantly that it was a Devouring mist, which was an undead mist/swarm, and that it sucks the blood out of anything in the area.

Vaneer casts holy smite.

Mist moves into the boat. 

Miro, Natalia and Hugo are standing within the mist and loses some constitution.

Hugo and Natalia become nauseated.

Otto casts fireball at the mist, Miro and Hugo with the mist and Hugo taking full brunt of the damage.

Miro and Hugo bail ship by jumping into the water which leaves the burley Hugo almost drowning.

Vaneer casts a healing burst healing the party and injuring the mist.

The Mist engulfs Natalia and Bob again causing further damage.

Bob tries to jump ship whilst pulling the barley conscious Natalia overboard.

Otto casts another fireball at the mist.

Vaneer casts a healing burst.

Vaneer uses a Hero point on his fortitude save against the Mist avoiding the nausea but causes considerable damage. 

Bob and Natalia treading water.

Hugo and Miro treading water.

Otto fireball’s the mist and Vaneer with both targets taking half damage.

Vaneer casts another healing burst which kills off the mist.

Natalia drinks potion of lesser restoration and then casts water breathing.

After about 2 hours of searching Natalia eventually finds the tree and destroys it.

With the tree destroyed the group resurface to the boat and head back to shore.

Once on shore the group take the time to recover and heal before trying to find somewhere safe to rest.

Sarenith 10th 14 - Ice isn't so nice!

The group rest uneventfully and continue their descent.

About half way down the mountain Natalia and Vaneer see a slight crack in the mountainside followed by a large cracking noise as 2 ice elementals suddenly appear in front of the group looking very annoyed and head straight towards the heroes.

Elemental 1 attacks Boss and hits.

Elemental 2 swipes at Hugo but misses.

Otto casts fireball at the elementals but both are nimble enough to reduce the damage.

Boss attacks elementals 1 and hits.

Hugo attacks elementals 2 and hits.

Miro twirls down the rope to attempt a stab at the elementals 2 and hits the creature in the head.

Vaneer casts searing light on elementals 2.

Natalia cast produce flame at elementals 1.

Elementals 2 attacks Hugo and hits.

Elementals 1 attacks Boss and hits.

Otto casts haste.

Boss attacks elementals 2 and hits it 3 times

Hugo attacks elementals 1 and hits it twice.

Miro attacks elementals 1 and hits 4 times and the ice elementals laughs at the Halfling as it absorbs all of the Halflings damage.

Vaneer throws his last alchemists fire at elemental 2 and hits.

Natalia casts a flaming weapon spell and shatters elemental 1.

Elemental 2 attacks Hugo but misses.

Otto casts magic missile at elemental 1 and shatters the hulking ice block.

The group continue on their descent and eventually decide to rest in a sheltered plateau.

Sarenith 9th 14 - Ah man! There must be a quicker way down!

Another evening/night passes with no sign of the centaur.

Natalia casts a scry spell and attempts to locate the dark centaur and all she seems to see is grass plains before dark tendrils start to protrude from the mirror she was using at which point she breaks the spell.

The group finally decide to start the climb back down the mountain.

Eventually the group find a ledge and Otto casts a ting hut spell which generates a place of rest for the group to shelter in for the evening.

Sarenith 8th 14 - Paranoid Much?!?

The group rest without any event.

Once they had all woken up and had a huge discussion about evil centaur guardian that appeared after destroying the last tree, Otto destroys the tree but nothing happens!!

They wait 30 minutes and still no dark centaur.

Group makes a camp and wait for the centaur to appear. 

Sarenith 7th 04 - How do you like your eggs?

After an uneventful rest the group get ready to continue the climb.

The climb is slow work as muscles ache and as the weather gets worse the climb becomes even more difficult.

Eventually emerge from above the clouds and out of the snow as the view opens to expand to the horizon.

After a towering climb the group finally pull themselves up to a flat plateau on top of Talons peak, the weather now below them opened the horizon to views spectacular and a added surprise of the ruins of a observatory shared the plateau with them. The ruins shows signs of something had set up a nest within the old observation dome and next to it was the red tree they had been looking to destroy.

Natalia notices 2 faint energies in the nest where she believed to be the Roc eggs that they were tasked with to find.

The group head into the base of the observatory, a set of stone stairs run up the building and a sole door can be seen on the ground floor.

Natalia believes the building to be of elven design and over a thousand years old.

Otto finds a magical scroll case and like a typical magician pulls at two magical staves from within the case.

The group head up the stairs into the trashed dome, where a large nest took up the room and within the nest where 5 eggs, 2 unfertilised and 3 fertilised though one of the fertilised eggs is quite dark and possibly tainted according to the druid.

The group discuss what to do with the eggs and agree that the unfertilised eggs would be sent to the celebrity chef whom was after some Roc eggs and the 2 normal fertilised eggs would go to the centaurs whilst the tainted egg is to be destroyed.

Just as the group set to destroy the tainted egg Vaneer spots a large black flying creature heading towards them and the nest screeching with talons outstretched.

The mama Roc swoops in on Vaneer and hits the cleric grappling him as the massive….sorry moosive! bird flies away with the high priest.

Otto casts fireball at the Roc successfully.

Miro shoots at the Roc and misses both shots.

Boss shoots and misses.

Vaneer attempts to thump the gargantuan bird but struggles to free his arms.

Natalia casts a spell hitting the Roc.

The Roc circles round and releases Vaneer only to find that the cleric had a ring of feather fall as he slowly floats to the ground flipping the birdie at the birdie.

The Roc screeches in frustration.

Otto casts scorching ray at the approaching big bird and hits.

Boss shoots and misses 3 times and hits on his 4th attack.

Miro takes a quick shot and misses before running for cover.

Hugo also shoots and misses.

Vaneer casts searing light at the roc and hits as he continues floats down towards the plateau.

Natalia casts produce flame and hits the roc.

Roc circles in and crashes into the old observatory building after Natalia dealt it with the fatal blow.

Vaneer eventually touches ground and makes his way back to the building to meet up with the rest of the group.

Group rests ahead of taking out the tree.

Sarenith 6th 14 - Are we there Yet-i?

The night passes uneventfully and the group continues the climb.

As they climb the towering mountain the snow begins to fall which starts limiting the groups vision and pretty much kills off any chance for range attacks.

The group climbs up onto large plateau where there is a large cave and numerous smaller peaks leading to the main peak that is Talon Peak.

As the group dust off the snow a chorus of howls seem to travel on the wind as Vaneer notices a pair of burning charcoal eyes staring at him from the cave. Hoping to make friends Vaneer shouts at the eyes saying that they came in peace as the eyes suddenly vanish leaving Vaneer a little unnerved.

Shortly a large hairy creature could be seen stepping out of the cave (suspect a yeti) and motions for the group to enter its cave.

The group walk into the cave and discover numerous human sized skulls along the edges, in the centre of the cave around a small smouldering fire sat another 3 yeti’s that were growling at the group, the smallest of the creatures appeared to be wearing leather armour and wielded a spear like weapon.

One of the yeti’s rushes to Vaneer whilst swiping its claws and attempts to hug the cleric and injures him. Just as Vaneer responds by sprouting thorns on his armour to hurt the yeti back breaking the grapple.

Vaneer smacks back at the same yeti with his Morningstar hurting it.

Miro attempts to flanks Vaneers yeti to critically stab it in the back and kill it.

Hugo attacks another yeti to hurt it.

Otto casts fireball at the largest and smallest of the yeti’s with the largest taking the full blast and the smallest one only takes partial damage.

Boss throws a flask of alchemist fire at the largest yeti as it charges towards Otto.

Largest yeti attacks Otto and hits.

The smallest of the yeti’s attacks Boss and hits.

Medium yeti attacks Hugo and hits with one claw critically in the warriors side.

Natalia attacks with a spell but the spell fails.

Bob bounds into the fray and attacks the medium yeti in a flanking position and hits.

Vaneer assists Otto but fails to hit the yeti and the yeti fails to swipe at the charging cleric.

Miro flanks the huge yeti and hits it as he jumps on the yetis back and stabs his knife into the creature’s spine.

Hugo attacks the medium yeti and hits it with both attacks killing the yeti.

Boss attacks the smallest yeti only to miss.

Otto casts a scorching ray at the remaining yeti killing it in a large blaze.

Vaneer starts building up the camp fire and the group decide to set up camp for a rest whilst Vaneer heals their wounds.