Monday, 14 January 2019

28th Arodus 18 - Minotaur Orgy made what!!

As evening approached the weather turn sour and started to pour down, however it took a moment for the group to realise that the rain wasn't actually rain but worms falling from the sky.

Shortly a voice echoed across the sky “RISE! COMBINE! CONQUER!”.

As a creature resembling a cross between a Bear, Dragon and Chain Devil (Thrasfyr) appeared before the group.

Vaneer casts Barkskin and a quickened Shield of Faith,
Satinder casts True Strike on Boss,
Otto casts a quickened haste followed by a cone of cold which fails to connect,
Boss shoots at the creature and hits twice but the creature takes no damage,
Thrasfyr unleashes it's breath weapon getting all but Miro and Otto before lashing out at Natalia and hitting hard,

Natalia shifts into the form of an Earth Elemental and sinks into the ground,
Bob attacks the creature and hits twice dealing little damage,
Hugo attacks the creature and hits,
Miro attempts to attack but fails to land any blows,

Vaneer casts a Mass Cure Serious followed by a quickened Seering light which fails to hit,
Satinder casts another True Strike on Boss,
Otto casts another Cone of Cold followed by a quickened Ray of Enfeeblement, both fail,
Boss shoots and hits,

Thrasfyr lets out another breath weapon hitting all except Miro and Otto followed by attacking everyone with its chains knocking out Satinder, Boss and Hugo,
Natalia casts finger of death which deals a good amount of damage,
Miro attempts a feint and manages to land a blow on the creature,
Otto casts a cone of cold which makes its way past the creatures defences and kills it,
Otto casts Disintegrate to ensure the creature stays dead.

Vaneer heals like heck.

The group rests

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