Monday, 14 January 2019

23rd Arodus 18 - A Giant Confusion

The group are awake early ahead of the anticipated time of the bloom and notice that the mountain to the east appeared to have a large and fast snowfall where the rest of the mountains in the area currently have no snow falling.

As they approach the mountain the find themselves in a mini blizzard which contains noticeably large giant like footprints.

Natalia scouts ahead in the air and soon returns that she could make out what she believed to be a number of Giants ahead of them.

The group approach but keep their distance to allow Otto to cast confusion on the 4 Giants which affects 3.

The remaining giant spots Otto, Natalia, Boss and Hugo.

Miro shoots his bow at the now approaching Giant and hits,
Hugo uses his Rod of Razors at the approaching Giant,
Bob rushes into attack into attack and hits multiple times,
Natalia summons a fire elemental and sets it to attack the giant,
Vaneer casts flamestrike on the giant which kills it,
The confused giants set about attacking each other until only one is left which is easily dispatched by the group.

The group then soon realises that none of the giants could have been the boss so Natalia communes with nature and senses 3 more foes further up the mountain, one of which is vastly stronger than the other 2.

As the group make their way up the mountain they start to pass a scattering of odd looking gravestones and soon notice 3 figures 30ft away standing near a 30ft tall gravestone made of ice.

They also notice that the largest of the giants has 4 arms instead of the standard 2.

Otto attempts to cast confusion on the giants followed by a quickened fireball,
Boss shoots at the giants and hits,
Miro shoots at the boss and hits,
Hugo also shoots at 4 arms and hits multiple times,
The Giant Boss rages towards Vaneer and attacks 4 times only to hit the cleric twice,

Vaneer casts Firestorm on the defensive over the giants,
Natalia also casts firestorm,
Bob races into attack the boss and hits,
The smaller Giants kill each other,
Otto casts a quickened Haste followed by a fireball,
Boss shoots at the giant boss and hits multiple times killing the 4 armed assailant.

The group then set about to investigate the area paying particular attention to the large glass like tombstone which contained the names of everyone in the land and kingdom.

But despite their combined knowledge the group could not figure out the purpose of the mammoth like tombstone so Otto decides to teleport to nearby Varnhold leaving Natalia to fly there whilst the rest of the group walk back arriving late evening.

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