Monday, 14 January 2019

24th Arodus 18 - When books go bad....again!

As the group wake they are told of reports of coming into Varnhold about children near the capital are going missing along with sightings of a strange machine roaming the fields around the Wyvernshore.

Otto quickly teleports the group back to the capital.

After a short matter of time they were riding out into the countryside and it didn't take them long to notice off in the distance a pair of mechanical legs about 100ft tall which ended at a base of a castle that was walking slowly through the fields towards the capital. Miro then remembers that he has seen this castle before as his skin turns pale, the walking castle is the exact spitting image of the dragons castle from the storybook realm that they visited long ago.

Otto flies up to the castle and then quickly flies back down to teleport the rest of the group into the castles courtyard, as they arrive they see the blue dragon Zassrion with his patchwork skin of dragonscales and human skin, a fey female with a harlequin mask, a cage full of children and the “Paladin” (Algan) waiting for them.

Before anything could happen the group fail to notice that standing next to Zassrion was a small girl whom he gave an evil grin and pushed her over the edge to plummet 100ft to the ground below.

Queen Narrissa has released us from our story world prison to wreck havok on yours” the dragon hissed,

The Harlequin uses a Dirge of Doom on the group,
Hugo attempts to attack the Paladin and hits,
Miro stabs the Paladin and hits hard,
Paladin uses his 'Smite Mortal' ability on Miro,
Otto teleports below the falling girl and cast featherfall on her as she passes,
Boss attacks the Harlequin and hits,

Vaneer heals Miro and a quickened Shield of faith on himself,
Natalia cast finger of death on the Harlequin and hits but fails to kill her,
Bob chews at the Paladin but misses to get through the armour,
Dragon uses his fearful presence which affects none and then releases his lightening breath weapon hitting Vaneer, Hugo, Miro and Bob,
Harlequin plays some music but nothing happens,

Miro attacks the paladin and hits,
Hugo attacks the paladin and hits,
Paladin heals himself quickly and then attacks Miro but misses,
Otto returns near the Harlequin and casts finger of death at which causes her to drop to the ground followed by a quickened fireball slung at the dragon which also hits,
Boss shoots at the dragon and hits,

Natalia casts flamestrike at the dragon,
Vaneer kills the paladin and promptly tea bags him in mockery,
Dragon goes invisible,
Miro goes invisible,

Hugo attempts to shoot at the dragon but misses,
Otto prepares to cast Prismatic wall should the dragon suddenly appear,
Boss tries to rescue the children from the cage,
Vaneer casts a quickened bark skin before using a healing burst,
Natalia casts flamestrike and takes a guess at the dragon's location to just clip one of its wings,
Bob chews the paladins testicles,

Dragon appears and attempts to use its breath weapon on the children only to be blocked by Otto's prismatic wall,
Miro shoots at the dragon and hits,
Hugo uses his rod of razors at the dragon and hits,
Otto casts cone of cold at the dragon,
Boss shoots 3 arrows at the dragon, all three find their mark and deals the final blow to the winged creature.

As the dragon dies it becomes apparent that the castle on legs is starting to loose its stability so the group quickly uses the abilities of Natalia's Air elemental form to get the children down off the platform safely and lead them back home safely unharmed.

The group retire after a heroic day.

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