Thursday, 17 August 2017

25th Pharast 18 - A cleric is meant to cure not spread disease ....

Their first port of call is to investigate the disappearance of the travellers in the swamps, after spending some time navigating round the areas of bogs and quick sands they soon get to the north east side and walk into an eerie fog bank.

After an hour of wondering around in the fog both Natalia and Miro could hear noises coming from somewhere in the fog but whatever it is they knew it was big!

Otto casts invisibility sphere over the group just as two shapes appear in the fog ahead of them.

One of the shapes shouts “They’re here!” in a sylvian tongue,

Otto casts a misleading spell in attempt to “mislead” the figures in the fog as his spell shouts “Is someone here?” from elsewhere in the fog.

One of the figures charges off in the direction of the shout giving the group a glance at its appearance, it looked like horse and rider but the skin of both had been stripped off to reveal all the muscle and sinew whilst the horse’s skull was stripped back to bear bone.

Natalia and Otto after some thought believe the creatures to be some sort of evil fey.

The charging creature attacks the image causing it to disperse,

Otto casts disintegrate but fails to hit any target,

One of the creatures casts a spell causing all the plants in the nearby area to die (Blight),

The other creature charges towards Otto and hits the newly crowned King,

Vaneer casts Holy smite which hits and blinds one of the creatures,

Natalia casts firestorm and hits both creatures,

Hugo and Miro both move to flank the blinded creatures,

Hugo attacks and hits but does less damage to the creature’s flesh than he had expected,

Miro attacks and manages to hit,

<Insert very long combat scene drawn out by doing very little damage to the tough mudders whom did large damage and annoying fear effects>

With one creature left Otto blasts it into oblivion with a fireball just as it began to shout, “The Queen will……”

Vaneer suspects Otto’s queen is trying to off her husband for another suiter,

After the fight Vaneer tends to the wounds only to notice that everyone has been affected by a disease of some sort, then he realises that he is affected and most likely passed on the affection to the others whilst tending to the wounds.

To prevent further exposure and spreading the disease the group set up camp out of the swamp with the goal of dealing with the disease issue in the morning once Vaneer and Natalia have prepared the required spells.

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