Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Erastus 27th 02 - The Fight is on!

A day later the troll king's messenger returns to the group confirming that the troll king has agreed to the fight and that it will happen in two days time in a location not too far from the sourthern border of Dragonmere.  The location was in open plains so ambushes would be clearly seen, but close to the forest so that Hargulka, the Troll King could be satisfied that if the pinkies tried anything funny he could beat a retreat.

The group agreed that the location seemed neutral enough as well as open from any nasty surprises...hopefully! Hargulka confirmed that his fighting companion would be 'Giz', his high priest, an unknown fey creature.

Wanting to ensure they are prepared for any surprises the group thorough investigate (aka harass) the messenger and discover that the high priest is an ugly fey with no spellcasting abilities nor combat capabilities; in conclusion the troll king is using the opportunity to bring along someone that would sit out the combat, due to his confidence in defeating the group and thoroughly showing them up and proving his mettle to both his kingdom and the human's.

The group feel confident about their chances and agree to encounter and Hargulka's choice of combat partner and then send the messenger off one last time confirming that they will be at the chosen location in two days time.

The army is then told of what is too happen and that unless the Troll King goes back on his word no one is to interfere, though they should all rest tonight ahead of a long march tomorrow.

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