Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Erastus 26th 02 - The Bonfire Entanglement

After another 2 days worth of travel the group travel back to wooded area near the lizardfolk village to set up camp before heading south west to the troll kings farm's and slave camps in order to rescued those that have been captured into force labour.

A short trip later the farms come into sight, the group spend some time hidden and watch the area and finally figure out that the farm area is patrolled by 4 very large ogres and a will-o-wisp, whilst the labour camps themselves only appeared to be protected by 3 trolls and a couple of troll hounds.

The group plans and decides that Vaneer, Otto and Natalia would go a little deeper into the woods and then set a large bonfire going in an attempt to lure some of the guards away from the camp and then both Vaneer and Natalia would entangle them in the wooded area to keep them out of the way from the other half of the group.

Now, whilst the entangling is happening the other half of the plan was for both Kyrander and Miro to attempt to sneak past the remaining guards and start rescuing the hostages, whereas the first group was able to succeed at their half of the plan the two sneakers happened to spotted. When they finally noticed that they had been spotted Kyrander cast an entangle spell to capture the charging patrol which luckily caught all the enemy enabling the pair to despatch the opponents with a quick stab or two allowing them to rescue all the slaves and hostages with no further hiccups.

With the rescuees in tow the group head back north east to their base camp.

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