The group and the main division of the militia hastily head to the city whilst they ride hard and long til
mid-morning with little rest.
As the city came into sight plumes of smoke could be seen
rising from the eastern section of the city.
Miro instantly blurts out “Ah man! Not the dance hall!!”
The group snigger at Miro before they continue to race into town.
When the group arrive into the eastern section of the city they find that the citizens are being escorted by the city guards to a safe location and out of harms way.
Natalia asks one of the guards as he passes what is
The guardsman responds ‘A giant creature is attacking the
city, the guards are doing what they can in that direction! They could do with
a hand though!” as he points down the road.
‘What about the dancehall man!’ insists Miro as he jumps off
his riding dog and shakes the guard for a response. Confused the guard responds ‘its....its intact sir!? It seemed to have been missed during the attack’
Miro breathed a sigh of relief and patted the guard in appreciation
of his response.
The group carry on and ride into the eastern district of the city to find an armoured 20ft owl
bear attacking buildings and a large number of the city guard that are trying to fight it off.
Natalia also notices that the creature is also wearing what
appears to be a massive suit of barding as it hoot's its way through the district swiping at anything that moves as the group join the fray.
Bob charges into the fight and bites owlbear's ankle.
Natalia casts flaming sphere engulfing the creature.
The Owlbear hits Bob with both claws and seriously injures the groups honey badger tank.
Miro shoots the owlbear and hits.
Vaneer casts searing light.
Otto casts haste on the group.
Kyrander fires 3 arrows at the owlbear hitting the creature
with two of them.
Spot races in and his attack scores a hit against the raging
Bob attacks again and hits.
Natalia moves her flaming sphere to keep up with the owlbear
but the ball of flame misses.
Natalia tries to assess the owlbears weird behaviour and
thinks that it could be linked to a spell affecting the creatures mind.
The owlbear attacks Bob again twice knocking the badger to
the ground with its claws and then twists round and bites Spot.
Miro shoots the owlbear again.
Vaneer races in to the fight and casts a cure serious spell on
As the fight is ongoing a green flash suddenly erupts from
the castle and the group realises that another fight was obviously underway.
Otto casts a flaming spell hitting the creature.
Kyrander lets loose 3 more arrows with all 3 finding their
The Owlbear is starting to look in bad shape as it misses
its next attack.
Natalias flaming sphere moves again but still has no effect.
Natalia begins to cast another spell.
The Owlbear attacks Kyrander and hits grabbing the ranger
within its hold.
Miro shoots at the owlbear but misses.
Otto casts scorching ray at the owlbear.
Kyrander tries to wriggle out of his confined space.
Vaneer casts sound burst.
Natalia summons 2 eagles to aid the fight.
The eagles attack the owlbear and claws out the creatures
eye doing enough to kill the creature.
Vaneer heals up Bob, Spot and Kyrander whilst Natalia works out that the owlbear was under some sort of magical rage that was being caused by the barding.
The group then rushes towards the castle to see what is
As the arrive at the main gates of the castle the group can
see a huge mound of greenery ahead of them that appears to be moving (shambling
As the group join the fray they arrive in time to see Count Drekev
being slapped into a building then just after that one of the mounds severed
tentacles starts to glow green with crackling lightning just before it starts
growing the tentacle back.
Natalia tells the group the mound is most likely immune to fire.
Otto also informs the group that the mound is healed with
Just before Kyrander attacks he announces that he thought he
saw a will-o-wisp hiding inside the shamble casting lightening at the mound to
intentionally heal it.
Natalia casts fairy fire at the mound which shows where the invisible
will-o-wisp is hiding.
The eagles attempt to attack the will-o-wisp, though one
eagle is killed by the shambling mound whilst the other eagle manages to hit
the mound.
Kyrander shoots at the will-o-wisp and hits it twice.
Spot charges into the fight and manages to hit the
Vaneer casts a prayer spell.
The Will-o-wisp zaps Vaneer with a bolt of electricity.
The mound attacks and kills the remaining eagle whilst the
remaining tentacles miss Spot.
Otto casts a magic missile and insults the will-o-wisp to
draw it out.
Miro shoots twice at the wisp missing with one and hitting
with the other.
Natalia’s flaming sphere has no effect and then expires.
Bob attacks the will-o-wisp and hits.
Natalia cast magic fang on Bob.
Kyrander shoots the wisp and kills it before sending the
remaining 2 arrows at the mound drawing sap from the mound.
Spot attacks the shambling mound.
Vaneer moves closer and casts a healing burst.
The mound attacks Bob and hits whilst hitting Spot but fails
to grapple the cheetah.
Otto casts another magic missile.
Miro works his way into a flanking position and shoots the
Count Drelev comes back into the fight and takes out a tentacle
as the mound flings the count's annoying yapping dog through the air. (Vaneer
secretly cheers!)
Bob attacks the mound and hits [The mound has 1hp left at this point]
Natalia uses her sling and the bullet penetrates through the
one remaining leaf killing the creature.
The group takes a minute to take in the sights and the after
effect of the attack before talking to Count Drelev about what happened.
As the clear up starts it comes apparent that the 20ft tall
owlbear had left a clear path in its wake and Natalia suggests that once the
army arrives to protect the city the group should head off along this trail and
In the meantime it’s decided that the Owlbear corpse should
be sent to the lizardfolk tribe as a “gift” of meat.
The next couple of hours are spent assisting the city guard with
erecting defences and putting out the fires from the attack. Eventually they
head off along the trail and as sunsets they set up camp and sleep.
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