Monday, 16 May 2016

Arodus 5th 02 - Lamashan 31st 03 - Travelling faster than the speed of Time

The group eventually arrive back into Wyvernshore.

What happens below is brief note of events that happen in the months that pass.

Arodus (August)
Miro engages in an army training montage whilst the rest of the group help the city with their own rebuilding montage.

Eventually the council calls a meeting with the group over the future of owlbears as the council are worried that the creatures may be more to handle then the group had first thought.

After discussions it is discovered that it would cost the city around 2,000gp to train each of the young owlbears and even after that this would mean that the creatures would still only just be able to take basic commands.

The other option is that a group of druids had recently heard about the cities latest addition and are looking for some guardians for their grove and have offered to take the creatures off the city's hands for 3,000gp each.

The council soon decides that the best option for all would be to take the druids offer and sell the young owlbears so the money could be used to fund repairs for the city.

Rova (September) - Kuthona (December)
Even more training/rebuilding montages!

Abadius (January)
The kingdom's fey allies report that something strange happened near the dancing lady’s castle.  The report read that just for just one second a strange land suddenly appeared inside the forest and then disappeared, but they could sense a large number of other fey creatures within the land.

The group head to the old castle to find nothing is out of place and ask that their allies and travelling wardens keep them and the council informed of any further developments.

The Straw Owlbear festival ends with Miro setting a quarter of the city on fire with his drunken celebrations.

Pharast (March)
Winters pass festival turns out to be uneventful.

Desnus (May)
Wyvernshore become the proud owners of a new multi functioning  waterfront which suffers heavy damage from the  Mardegrar madness

Sarenith (June)

OMG! Queen Margo falls pregnant!! Apparently she's 4 months gone already, rumours fly that Otto may not be the father! ooooh Scandal!

Another report of a strange land appearing at the ruined castle comes in from the fey allies, the group start to suspect that maybe the solstices could be key to understanding this mystery.

Erastus (July)

Founders day festival and the royal wedding anniversary end up in some very embarrassing drunken scandals.

Tales of the "Cripple Killer" appear in town to scare misbehaving children.

Rova (September)

Harvest festival goes off without a hitch, some believe it was thanks to the sudden short supply of anything alcoholic in the city.

Rumours begin to spread that the King Otto may have a drinking problem.

Lamashan (October)

Reports of the strange land appearing again come into the city but again the group is too late when they arrive to investigate,

Ottoberfest......didn't happen, you'll find no records of it what so ever! HONEST! there's nothing to ponder carry on with you daily activities.

Arodus 4th 02 - Awww they're soooooo cute!

Night passes uneventfully.

The group continue along the trail to find a large rocky outcropping that had plenty of vegetation that appeared be covering a large 20ft opening into a cavern which has a passage leading out of it.

Otto casts invisibility on Kyrander and Miro as they volunteer to head into the passage to explore, they eventually find themselves in a chamber full of fungus with 3 other passages leading out of the chamber, they do notice that there are 3 violet fungus in this chamber which obviously hasn’t seen them…yet!

The pair head east, where a passage slopes down for 30ft till it opens in another chamber with a pool of murky water and another passage heading north east and a small crack in the wall.

They head into the crack (4ft wide) which is a little wet and a little tight.

As they make their way through the passage the pair notice that part of the floor is weakened and would collapse if weight is placed on it and between them manage to work their way past the weakened floor.

As they explore the remaining various passages and chambers the pair eventually find a chamber containing a large body of an dead owlbear and the sounds of 2 baby owlbears which appear to be feasting on a slowly dieing troll in the same chamber which is obviously trying to regenerate its wounds but the tiny creatures seem to be injuring it enough with each bite to keep the troll in a constant state of limbo.

The pair return to the surface to retrieve the rest of the group to show them the young owlbears, after some lengthy debate it is agreed that the group would finish exploring the passages and then return to take the young creature’s home.

In another chamber the group find a cave full of spiders, Natlia roles in a flaming sphere which after a very short time seems to take care of the spiders.
Natalia then uses her druidic skills to lure the baby owlbears out of the caves and to take them back to Wyvernshore to hopefully train them to aid the defence of the system.

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Arodus 3rd 02 - Talonquake and Mossra

The group and the main division of the militia hastily head to the city whilst they ride hard and long til mid-morning with little rest.

As the city came into sight plumes of smoke could be seen rising from the eastern section of the city.

Miro instantly blurts out “Ah man! Not the dance hall!!”
The group snigger at Miro before they continue to race into town.

When the group arrive into the eastern section of the city they find that the citizens are being escorted by the city guards to a safe location and out of harms way.

Natalia asks one of the guards as he passes what is happening.
The guardsman responds ‘A giant creature is attacking the city, the guards are doing what they can in that direction! They could do with a hand though!” as he points down the road.

‘What about the dancehall man!’ insists Miro as he jumps off his riding dog and shakes the guard for a response.  Confused the guard responds ‘its....its intact sir!? It seemed to have been missed during the attack’
Miro breathed a sigh of relief and patted the guard in appreciation of his response.

The group carry on and ride into the eastern district of the city to find an armoured 20ft owl bear attacking buildings and a large number of the city guard that are trying to fight it off. 

Natalia also notices that the creature is also wearing what appears to be a massive suit of barding as it hoot's its way through the district swiping at anything that moves as the group join the fray.

Bob charges into the fight and bites owlbear's ankle.
Natalia casts flaming sphere engulfing the creature.
The Owlbear hits Bob with both claws and seriously injures the groups honey badger tank.
Miro shoots the owlbear and hits.
Vaneer casts searing light.
Otto casts haste on the group.
Kyrander fires 3 arrows at the owlbear hitting the creature with two of them.
Spot races in and his attack scores a hit against the raging creature.
Bob attacks again and hits.
Natalia moves her flaming sphere to keep up with the owlbear but the ball of flame misses.

Natalia tries to assess the owlbears weird behaviour and thinks that it could be linked to a spell affecting the creatures mind.
The owlbear attacks Bob again twice knocking the badger to the ground with its claws and then twists round and bites Spot.
Miro shoots the owlbear again.
Vaneer races in to the fight and casts a cure serious spell on Bob.
As the fight is ongoing a green flash suddenly erupts from the castle and the group realises that another fight was obviously underway.
Otto casts a flaming spell hitting the creature.
Kyrander lets loose 3 more arrows with all 3 finding their target.
The Owlbear is starting to look in bad shape as it misses its next attack.

Natalias flaming sphere moves again but still has no effect.
Natalia begins to cast another spell.
The Owlbear attacks Kyrander and hits grabbing the ranger within its hold.
Miro shoots at the owlbear but misses.
Otto casts scorching ray at the owlbear.
Kyrander tries to wriggle out of his confined space.
Vaneer casts sound burst.
Natalia summons 2 eagles to aid the fight.

The eagles attack the owlbear and claws out the creatures eye doing enough to kill the creature.

Vaneer heals up Bob, Spot and Kyrander whilst Natalia works out that the owlbear was under some sort of magical rage that was being caused by the barding.

The group then rushes towards the castle to see what is happening.
As the arrive at the main gates of the castle the group can see a huge mound of greenery ahead of them that appears to be moving (shambling mound)

As the group join the fray they arrive in time to see Count Drekev being slapped into a building then just after that one of the mounds severed tentacles starts to glow green with crackling lightning just before it starts growing the tentacle back.

Natalia tells the group the mound is most likely immune to fire.
Otto also informs the group that the mound is healed with electricity.
Just before Kyrander attacks he announces that he thought he saw a will-o-wisp hiding inside the shamble casting lightening at the mound to intentionally heal it.
Natalia casts fairy fire at the mound which shows where the invisible will-o-wisp is hiding.

The eagles attempt to attack the will-o-wisp, though one eagle is killed by the shambling mound whilst the other eagle manages to hit the mound.
Kyrander shoots at the will-o-wisp and hits it twice.
Spot charges into the fight and manages to hit the will-o-wisp.
Vaneer casts a prayer spell.

The Will-o-wisp zaps Vaneer with a bolt of electricity.
The mound attacks and kills the remaining eagle whilst the remaining tentacles miss Spot.
Otto casts a magic missile and insults the will-o-wisp to draw it out.
Miro shoots twice at the wisp missing with one and hitting with the other.
Natalia’s flaming sphere has no effect and then expires.
Bob attacks the will-o-wisp and hits.
Natalia cast magic fang on Bob.

Kyrander shoots the wisp and kills it before sending the remaining 2 arrows at the mound drawing sap from the mound.
Spot attacks the shambling mound.
Vaneer moves closer and casts a healing burst.
The mound attacks Bob and hits whilst hitting Spot but fails to grapple the cheetah.
Otto casts another magic missile.
Miro works his way into a flanking position and shoots the mound,
Count Drelev comes back into the fight and takes out a tentacle as the mound flings the count's annoying yapping dog through the air. (Vaneer secretly cheers!)
Bob attacks the mound and hits [The mound has 1hp left at this point]
Natalia uses her sling and the bullet penetrates through the one remaining leaf killing the creature.

The group takes a minute to take in the sights and the after effect of the attack before talking to Count Drelev about what happened.

As the clear up starts it comes apparent that the 20ft tall owlbear had left a clear path in its wake and Natalia suggests that once the army arrives to protect the city the group should head off along this trail and investigate.

In the meantime it’s decided that the Owlbear corpse should be sent to the lizardfolk tribe as a “gift” of meat.

The next couple of hours are spent assisting the city guard with erecting defences and putting out the fires from the attack. Eventually they head off along the trail and as sunsets they set up camp and sleep.

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Erastus 31st 02 - Someone's pinched the yellow brick road

With Hargulka now defeated the group well rested now marched their army west to the emerald city, the ex-troll kings capital.

It soon comes apparent that the capital isn't as well developed as Wyvernshore as they observed what was more like a "shanty" town, the only developed building was the king's lair which was built into the side of a small mountain.

The group ride through the "city" and make their way to the lair only to find a hill giant had barred the door to the lair from the inside.

The group announce the troll king's death at the door and ask for the door to be opened. The giant appeared to be uneducated and a being of very few words, which made it awkward for the group to use their persuasive skill set, but eventually the hill giant opens the door even though he protests that he was told not to let the group into the lair.

The group question the hill giant as to the location of anyone else residing within the lair to which he informed the group that his friend ‘Korgalc’ was collecting all the ‘shinies’ down the corridor there, Miro instantly became restless and so the group left the hill giant to guard the door whilst they went looking for his pillaging comerade who was preparing to flee with their hard-earned(?!?) loot.

Eventually they find themselves in a large chamber with an old wagon that has lost it's wheels and numerous crates that appeared to be overflowing with the spoils of war and standing in front of all those crates and separating Miro and his "hard earned" treasure was a rock troll with a nasty looking club and an evil grin that verged on being near-delighted.

Not wasting anytime Kyrander shoots an arrow and hits.
Vaneer casts sound burst.
Otto casts haste on the group.
Miro stabs and stabs and stabs and stabs (you get the point) and hits.
The Rock troll swipes at Miro and sends the half-pint treasure collector flying.
Natalia casts flaming sphere and hits.
Bob charges in for the attack and misses.
Kyrander shoots 3 more arrows and hits.
Vaneer attacks and misses.
Otto casts acid splash and hits the rock troll.
Miro critically hits the rock troll severing both the creature’s arms in an not so impressive display of acrobatics.

With the fight over the group take account of what their new addition to the kingdom has to offer, they leave a small division of troops to maintain order in the emerald city till an official Lord/Mayor/Count/Duke etc etc is decided to take responsibility for the city, though the door guarding hill giant was delighted to hear that he wasn't about to be made unemployed.

Whilst going through the lair's possessions Miro discovers a note and a map that obviously shows Wyvernshore and the nearby area with an arrow pointing at the city leading from some hill's with the note, "It has been released!".

Worried what could be happening to their own city the group rush to return to Wyvernshore 

Meanwhile as our heroes rush back in Wyvernshore, on the morning of the 3rd day (the day when the group will arrive) tremors begin to shake Wyvernshore:

A glass of water on someone's bedside cabinet ripples as a dull thudding noise grows in volume,
A giant shadow approaches a series of houses in the early morning, just before the sun rises.
A couple of residents walking through the streets stare up on disbelief and shock
A loud shriek echoes across the city and windows implode.
An enormous clawed paw smashes through a shop as if it were made of paper-mache.
The few remaining street lights glow a green light and then explode as electric discharges arc across the sidewalk.
A loud sizzling noise can be heard and the nearby hairs of a labourer out walking his dog rise up and crackle, before both are turned into blacked shadows on the stone path,

 … Will they arrive in time to save their city from two enormous creatures?

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Erastus 29th 02 - Great Balls of Fire!

The group woke to a blustery day and when ready they moved west to the pre-agreed combat location just as Hargulka the Troll king arrived with his entourage and a small ugly fey sitting in a pouch on the back of the troll.

Hargulka was wielding a large magical Morningstar, basic armour and was still sporting a necklace of fireballs that had been given to him by the fey at the Spring Fey Feast.  His companion, Giz, was an ugly hairy fey with a long snout, funny pointy ears and wielded obscene gestures and sharp one-lines; as expected the Troll King's +1 was a participant that wouldn't be fighting but instead insulting the party!

The group and Hargulka approached each other until they were standing with a 20 foot gap separating them.  With some cutting quips, threats and then a small nod of acknowledgement between the combatants they ready themselves for all out warfare.

Natalia starts casting.
Otto casts a haste spell on the group and backs away a little.
Kyrander shoots and hits.
The Troll king regenerates his wounds and throws a bead from his fireball necklace (see the dancing lady entry) at the group which gets the party pretty good!

Vaneer casts a healing burst.
Miro moves away and drinks a potion.
Natalia casts flaming sphere which doesn’t seem harm the troll at all, as the troll nimbly moves around it.
Otto casts hideous laughter which takes hold of the Troll King.
Kyrander walks up and smashes a jar of oil on the troll king with the flaming sphere setting oil on fire which seemed to work.

Vaneer attacks with his trident and misses.
Miro tries to sneak attack the troll and misses.
Natalia's flaming sphere further injures the troll king.
Natalia casts another spell.
Bob attacks the troll king but just misses.
Otto starts to realise that Giz, the troll kings companion, has some sort of ability that makes it harder to hit the troll with spells, melee and ranged attacks!  [Turns out that Giz is a Pugwampi Gremlin!  A creature that brings bad luck to opponents]

Otto then changes target and magic missiles the small ugly fey, seriously injuring him.
Kyrander shoots the small creature hitting it and killing the laughing fool.
Spot attacks the troll king and finally manages to connect.
Hargulka overcomes Otto's previous laughing spell.
Vaneer hits the troll king with his trident.
Miro hits the troll king multiple times.

The flaming sphere continues to injure troll king.
Natalia summons a lightning bolt to strike the troll king.
Bob attempts to bite and hits.
Natalia casts a barkskin spell.

Otto casts hideous laughter again at the troll king which is again successful.
The Troll king doesn’t take as long this time to shrug off the laughter spell and then mockingly laughs at the group.
Kyrander draws his cold iron longsword and swipes at the troll king and hits.

Between the fire from the oil, the flaming sphere and the heat from the lightning strike, all the orange spheres around Hargulka's neck begin to glow rapidly and then the previously inert fireballs on his necklace suddenly crack and explode all at once, killing the troll king instantly with a surprised expression on his face!  The explosion damages everyone nearby, with Kyrander, Bob and Spot all getting blisters and burns as a result, whilst Vaneer is propelled across the field, unconscious and bleeding out heavily.
[Turns out that the fey-gifted necklace of fireballs was as cursed as their other gifts and was both more susceptible to damage and also stacked up the damage it dealt the remaining spheres finally detonated]

Miro and Otto rush over to the cleric and provide healing potions to the very charred Vaneer.
Once the cleric is awake and cooled down he begins healing the rest of injured and charred party.

A cheer goes up from the tree line as the Wyvernshore army celebrate the defeat of the Toll King, whilst the monstrous forces that had been spectating slink 'home' to the forest to await whatever new developments are about to occur.

Slowly the group head east back to their camp to rest.

Erastus 28th 02 - That march was so quick it was like a foxtrot!

As planned the previous day the group gather the army and quickly as possible head south-east two hexs and then travel south west for one which brought them an hour from the preselected combat site with the troll king tomorrow.

The group set up camp and rest ready for tomorrow.

Erastus 27th 02 - The Fight is on!

A day later the troll king's messenger returns to the group confirming that the troll king has agreed to the fight and that it will happen in two days time in a location not too far from the sourthern border of Dragonmere.  The location was in open plains so ambushes would be clearly seen, but close to the forest so that Hargulka, the Troll King could be satisfied that if the pinkies tried anything funny he could beat a retreat.

The group agreed that the location seemed neutral enough as well as open from any nasty surprises...hopefully! Hargulka confirmed that his fighting companion would be 'Giz', his high priest, an unknown fey creature.

Wanting to ensure they are prepared for any surprises the group thorough investigate (aka harass) the messenger and discover that the high priest is an ugly fey with no spellcasting abilities nor combat capabilities; in conclusion the troll king is using the opportunity to bring along someone that would sit out the combat, due to his confidence in defeating the group and thoroughly showing them up and proving his mettle to both his kingdom and the human's.

The group feel confident about their chances and agree to encounter and Hargulka's choice of combat partner and then send the messenger off one last time confirming that they will be at the chosen location in two days time.

The army is then told of what is too happen and that unless the Troll King goes back on his word no one is to interfere, though they should all rest tonight ahead of a long march tomorrow.

Erastus 26th 02 - The Bonfire Entanglement

After another 2 days worth of travel the group travel back to wooded area near the lizardfolk village to set up camp before heading south west to the troll kings farm's and slave camps in order to rescued those that have been captured into force labour.

A short trip later the farms come into sight, the group spend some time hidden and watch the area and finally figure out that the farm area is patrolled by 4 very large ogres and a will-o-wisp, whilst the labour camps themselves only appeared to be protected by 3 trolls and a couple of troll hounds.

The group plans and decides that Vaneer, Otto and Natalia would go a little deeper into the woods and then set a large bonfire going in an attempt to lure some of the guards away from the camp and then both Vaneer and Natalia would entangle them in the wooded area to keep them out of the way from the other half of the group.

Now, whilst the entangling is happening the other half of the plan was for both Kyrander and Miro to attempt to sneak past the remaining guards and start rescuing the hostages, whereas the first group was able to succeed at their half of the plan the two sneakers happened to spotted. When they finally noticed that they had been spotted Kyrander cast an entangle spell to capture the charging patrol which luckily caught all the enemy enabling the pair to despatch the opponents with a quick stab or two allowing them to rescue all the slaves and hostages with no further hiccups.

With the rescuees in tow the group head back north east to their base camp.

Monday, 9 May 2016

Erastus 24th 02 - Troll king says "Bring It!"

After travelling for 2 whole days the group return to camp to find a troll messenger was waiting for them with a response to thier message from the troll king.

The troll kings response said that he would fight the entire group providing he could choose one other combatant of his choosing to fight his side, if the group lost he would then have control of Wyvernshore and if he lost....well apparently he isnt going to lose. 

The group talk about the conditions of the fight and agree to the terms providing the fight is in a neutral location and that named combatant aiding the troll king is named before they gather for the fight.

As the troll messenger heads back to deliver the groups response the group gather up camp and head back to the woods near the lizardfolk village.

Erastus 22nd 02 - Holy smokes! Miro must be ill! Surely! Shirley!!!

After another day of haste travel the group plus Chief Sootcale make it back to the Greenscale terrority, eventually the greenscales attention was gained and after a rather lengthy process of yapping, growls, yipes and god knowns what else between Sootscale and this Greenscale the group congratulate Chief Sootscale on his ability to negotiate with the "emerald scales" and being able to convince the emerald scales to “avoid” the fighting between the two kingdoms afterwhich they will then align themselves with whomever comes out the victor.

The group then decide to head east where there was rumours of a lizardfolk tribe.

As they head east the find themself trekking through a thinning wooded area which eventually evolves into a swampy mars.
As they look around both Natalia and Kyrander find various hints in the area to a tribe of lizardfolk living in a swamp, following the tracks they soon find a village within the swamp.

Otto decides to cast invisibility on Miro who then sneaks into the village with a plan to start a couple of fires and flush out the lizardfolk from thier kingdom.
As he is skulking around the village Miro spots about 30-40 female lizard folk and thier lizard children, suddenly Miro seems to develop morals from out of nowhere and decides that it would probably be better to negotiate with the tribe and see if they would either move out of the kingdoms boarders peacefully or if they would join the kingdom.

Surprised at Miro's decision the group make themselve known to the tribe of lizards and the creatures look both puzzled and worried at these strange visitors in thier village.

Miro starts to talk to the villagers but Otto soon jumps in and informs them that their king (Nagrundy) has died in combat and that these lands fall into king Otto’s ruler-ship and that king Otto must now talk to the new leader of the tribe.

Once an aged looking lizardman appears infront of the group Otto insists that the lizardfolk tribe refrain from eating humans and the kingdoms livestock if they want to stay in the kingdom otherwise they should leave the kingdom for good.

After a long talk the negotiations proved successful as long as trade is encouraged between the lizardfolk village and the city of Wyvernshore and as a addition the kingdom will provide cattle for the lizardfolk to farm and that the tribe are shown how to farm cattle.

The group set off and head back to the camp.

Erastus 21st 02 - Where O' Where is that Kobold gone

After a hasty days travel the group arrive back into the city where they ask sootscale if would be willing to come along with Miro and Otto to help them negotiate with the greenscale kobolds in winning them to the groups side of the fight.

Erastus 20th 02 - I spy with my druid eye something Green and scaly

The next day the group head to the south west to look for this fabled Wyvern mounted division of the enemy forces.

Eventually they come across some signs of a Wryven in the area, then suddenly looking up the group discover a large number of tree houses up in the trees with rope ladders connecting each of them and a crude lift would take people to the canopy.

Natalia squinted and noticed that there where Greenscale kolbolds up in the trees and on a large platform it is assumed a wryven could be housed there. The group decide to head back to the city first and get chief Sootscale to come back and help with the diplomatic negotiations.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Erastus 19th 02 - But your a GOOD Cleric?! ....Errr yeah!! .... But your GOOD! and various other hints

Once back within the city walls the group take their time but eventually head to the dungeons with the task of watching Miro question the hostages taken from the battlefield.

Surprisingly and to Miro's disappointment the torturing doesn't last long before it is soon derived that;

1 - The bulk of the enemy army has now attacked and been wiped out.

2 - The remaining forces that are yet to attack are only fighting as their kingdom is starving thanks to their kings inability to rule but he can fit apparently.

3 - There are not many forces left but one of the remaining forces to attack have a trained drake.

4 - Those that are still attacking are only doing so as they had been promised a bounty of food and life should Wyvernshore fall to the troll king.

5 - Near the emerald city (Troll kings capital city) there is a slave camp of humans doing the dirtiest of work under a guard of trolls and ogres.

The group begin to discuss their options and strangely they come to the plan where Vaneer tries to cast contagion on one of the trolls (which fails) before sending him back to the troll king with a message for him to surrender or to fight the group personally. (I'd like to point out that the GM was frowning all the way through this and that Vaneer has most likely got a celestial slap coming!) 

With the plan agreed, the group again gather their forces along with the prisoners and then head back to the area where the now deceased scythe tree lays and set up camp.

Erastus 16th 02 - Who will win? There's one way to find out.........FIGHT!!!!!!!!!

After two days of travel the party and the Wyvernshore militia, who are joined by kobold and halfling forces, finally sight three lines of enemy troops that made up the enemy army.  It appeared that the opposing General was a two-headed troll (who had Ettin blood), whilst the rest of the force appeared to be made up of trolls, lizard men and swarms of insects.  The insects were led by a single mite whom was leading the swarms whilst riding atop a large flying wasp - this mite is the lone survivor of the Mite Day Massacre which occurred a couple of years ago when the party wiped out a tribe of mites).

The kingdom's army head out again onto the field of combat to meet the enemy troops.

The two armies stand ready and waiting staring and shouting at each other from opposite sides of the battlefield until eventually the call for ranged fire is given by a smirking Miro and the main division pepper the troll force injuring only a few enemy combatants this time, whilst the halflings' slings obviously lacked the range to reach the lizard folk.  An uneasy feeling began to cover the Wyvernshore troops as these creatures they faced were obviously as not as weak as those trolls encountered earlier in the week.

The Lizard folk shoot back at the Halflings but they miss the half-pint fighting force.

The main troops begin to charge at the trolls whom had now started running towards the group and their front line.

The Halflings attempt to use their slings and manage to hit a number of the lizard folk.

The Kobolds gather their strength and attack the trolls and between the members of the tiny force they manage to almost wipe out the trolls. 

The remaining Trolls try to hit back at the main division and do little damage.

Lizard folk fail to shoot back at the Halfling force.

The Insects swarms try to attack the humans but fail to encompass the fighting force within the swarm cloud.

The Main division retaliate against the insects but also miss.
The Halflings feeling brave charge at the lizardfolk and impressively wipes them out. 
The Kobolds turn their attention to the swarms and attack the insects.
The Insects attack the human forces again only to miss every human.
The main division hit the insect swarms.
The Kobolds wipe out the insects from the fight.

The giant wasp being used by the mite leader of the insect army is struck with deadly force and both plummet into a nearby river and are swept away (the mite is presumed dead and surely won't return later for revenge).

The Ettin/troll leader charges at the group (Nagrundi the Twin Terror troll - a 15ft tall two-headed troll with grey skin).

Kyrander throws an alchemist fire at Nagrundi and hits the troll.
Otto casts scorching ray at the troll.
Nagrundi moves to attack Vaneer and misses but manages to hit Otto in the swing through.

Natalia casts a flaming sphere on the troll.
Miro tumbles into the combat and stabs the troll on the thigh.
Vaneer casts a spell defensively.
Kyrander shoots the troll/ettin hybrid and hits it critically in the neck.
Spot attempts to bite the enemy leader but misses.
Otto tries to cast a laughter spell on the troll.
Natalia uses the flaming sphere and hunts the troll further whilst casting flame blade to kill the troll leader.

The leader of the lizard forces approaches the group whilst he appeared to be talking to a floating green skull, the skull promptly vanishes as Vaneer shouts off a “your mum” remark which angers the lizardman leader.

The floating skull suddenly appears behind Otto and electrocutes him and before then disappearing again.
Otto casts invisibility on Miro.
Natalia moves the flaming sphere onto the lizardman burning him.
Bob the Badger attacks the lizardman and misses.
Natalia conjures up a  flame blade to injure the lizardman.
The Lizardman attacks Natalia and misses.
Kyrander shoot at the lizardman and hits.
Spot fails to hit the lizardman.
Vaneer attacks but misses.
Miro moves into a flanking position on the lizardman and uses his invisibility to get the drop on the opponent which successfully hits.

The skull reappears and attacks Otto again.
Otto looking pretty injured casts invisibility on himself to avoid further attacks.
Natalia attacks the lizardman injuring him further.
Bob tries to bite the lizardman and hits.
Lizardman attacks Vaneer which hits.
Kyrander shoots and hits the lizardman killing him.
Vaneer casts a healing burst to heal the various wounds affecting the group.
Miro readies himself to attack the skull for when it reappears. 
Green lightening suddenly strikes Vaneer from nowhere.
Miro tries to guess where the wisp could be but misses.
Natalia casts endure elements on Vaneer.
Vaneer casts another healing burst.
The skull re-appears and attacks Vaneer which is negated by Natalias earlier spell.
Miro and Otto that the chance of the moment and attack but miss the skull just before it disappears again.

Otto prepares to cast magic missile at the skull should it reappear.
Everyone else prepares their own attacks and wait.
Eventually the skull appears and attacks Miro.
Otto lets off a magic missile and hits.
Kyranders arrow flies true but the creature is too tough to be damaged by the hit
Miro misses his attack.
Vaneer misses and tries to talk to the skull, now regretting bad mouthing mums in general, but the skull (a Will'o'Wisp) replies that it only seeks the group’s death.  It vanishes again and after several more minutes of failed attacks from both the skull and party members it departs, realising that it and the party were at an impasse whether neither had a strong enough advantage to vanquish the other.

Taking stock of the battlefield after combat a couple of prisoners of war are taken into custody, bound and then marched back to the city.

Erastus 14th 02 - To War!!! .... What! Again!?

Back in the city of Wyvernshore, a couple of days after the troll skirmish, a report soon comes in for the council from both their Dryad and Nixie allies.  Small armies of creatures have been seen amassing on the edge of the forest from the south and are moving through the forest with the intention of emerging to the west of the city.  It looks as though in invasion is on it's way!

Otto hastily sends a messenger to their halfling and kobold settlements with a call asking them to take arms and join the fight for the defence of the kingdom.

Preparations are soon made to send the kingdom's forces out again to the south-west to meet the new threat of approaching enemy forces.

The big question was whether Miro could pull off a second 'Miracle'?? Or will he be peppered with his own arrows?

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Erastus 12th 02 - Hey! Who would have thought that our army is actually pretty damn Good!

The group arrive back into the city with no hassle.

As the group started to dismount and stable their steeds (though Miro’s riding dog had a kennel in the loosest sense of the word), an messenger raced to the group, insisting that an urgent council meeting was about to be held!

Once the council had assembled with travel worn and smelling adventurers present, the council explained to the group that shortly before they had returned, a guard had arrived from the west of the capital with a message, reporting that approximately 24 trolls has attacked a small number of farmsteads just 30 miles away.

The meeting resulted in Miro being ordered to muster his militia and to equip them as best as possible with ranged and flaming weapons.

After a couple of hours of manic preparations, Miro finally marched out of the city with the militia and headed West, leaving a small division of fighters to protect the city from any other unforeseen forces.

Miro's militia met the troll brigade upon an open field of grass not too far from a wrecked farmstead.  As a light breeze begins to ease, Miro orders for his ranged weapons to fire at the trolls as the hulking creatures began their charge across the battlefield towards the Wyvernshore folk.

The result of the arrow fodder took all of the group and the entire Wyvernshore militia by complete surprise (except from Miro, apparently, who had no doubt that his plan would decimate the enemy) as they took out all but one of the 24 trolls.

The one remaining injured troll whom was completely unaware that he was now charging into a fight with a militia on his own bravely continued his charge as the group stepped forward to meet the troll head on in front of the entire front line.

Introducing.......“Frondog the cowardly troll”.  [Ed: I dunno why considering he charged alone but ask the GM][GM: Because the Troll knew he was as good as dead if he returned empty handed to his Troll King and so decided to try and kill the leaders of Wyvernshore - they're not the brightest of creatures... excluding the Troll King, but more on him later]

Vaneer throws an alchemist fire at the troll and hits. 
Kyrander draws to arrows and fires one after the after and hits twice.
Frondog swings his giant club at Miro but misses.
Otto casts a haste spell on the group.
Miro tries to faint the troll to thinking the half-pint was going to attack from the left but fails to trick the troll but somehow he still manages to hit.
Natalia attacks and hits the troll.
Bob flanks the troll biting and clawing the troll around the ankles.
Vaneer casts searing light, killing the troll.

A roar erupts from the fighting men as Frondog falls to the ground devoid of life.  Soon after, every able bodied man is doing their best to set each of the troll corpses alight to prevent the creatures from healing their own wounds and returning to fight another day.

Once all the trolls had been burnt Miro turned his militia round and marched them home with the promise of ale and bonus coin for their well earned efforts.