Monday, 15 April 2019

11th Rova 18 - Hey! They look Familiar.....

The group awake well rested.

Vaneer casts Heroes feast for the group to consume before they continue for the new day.

With belly's full they group decide to return to Hag's place that they passed previously to return the favour after she attacked them yesterday at the fort.

As they made their way back to the hags house the group came across a mass of purple flowers which appeared to be aware of the group as they passed as their flower heads moved to watch them.

Suddenly some of them spray a purple vapour over the group but nothing seems to take affect.

Natalia casts speak with plants and inquires about their identity and found out that they spray nightmare vapour so she asks them nicely to stop spraying them to which they shockingly agreed.

Once they arrived at Crooked house where they suspected the Hag lived the group unleashed a barrage of Earthquake and Disintegrate spells which resulted in a satisfying cracking noise as the structure began to collapse.

Once the dust had settled, Otto casts Overland Flight on himself and flies over the wreckage of the Crooked House and can't find any signs of movement nor survivors.

The group now head back towards the Tower to only discover more plague corpses blocking their way.

Otto clears the way with a fireball spell and the group continued on wards.

4 hours later the group finally make it back to the tower and push on wards towards the fort which was a further 2 hour walk.

As they reach the banks for the lake on which the Fort could be seen the group set up camp and rest for the night.

During Otto's watch he could hear the sound of beating wings approaching, as he looked up he could just make out in the twilight light two silhouettes in the sky (missed the other 2 though).

Otto then rises the alarm and casts a prismatic wall as precautionary.

Boss shoots at one creature and lodges four arrows into it,
2 Creatures fly into the prismatic wall resulting on one being sent to another plane of existence and the other being confused,

Confused creature attacks itself (Barbed Tongue Wyvern),
One creature attacks Miro with it's tongue and misses,
One creature attacks Natalia and hits with it's tail,

Otto casts fireball against one creature followed by a quickened cone of cold,
Boss shoots again and kills the creature attacking Natalia,
Vaneer casts destruction which hardly has any effect,
Miro shoots at his target and hits once,
Hugo shoots Miro's target and hits with his Dragonbane arrow,
Confused creature flies into the prismatic wall again and doesn't re-emerge (sent to another plane),
Creature attacks Miro and hits only failing to grapple the halfling,

Boss shoots at creature and hits,
Otto casts quickened fireball and chain lightening,
Natalia flamestrikes Miro and the creature attacking him but both dodge the spell,
Vaneer casts holy smite but does little damage,
Miro shoots and hits thrice killing his target.

The group return to resting with no further harassment.

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