Friday, 1 February 2019

9th Rova 18 - Familiar Enemies

Once the group were awake Vaneer cast a heroes feast spell to bolster group spirits for the day.

An hour later they gathered their items and marched through the gates.  As they pass underneath the archway they notice that it was made of two female statues reaching to each other.

The path of pressed stone is banked either side by deep dark woods which appeared to contain glowing eyes, blinking and staring at the group as they travel along the path for a couple of hours.

Worried that they were walking a continuous magical path Natalia decides to cast the Find the Path spell only to be told to continue following the path.

After another hour of walking a river could be seen coming out of the woods and running alongside the path, 30 minutes on the woods gives way to a large lake where the river appears to be run of two that feeds the large body of water.

Across the lake Otto swore he could see rainbows glistening with crystals of moisture, and unicorns with no eyes slinking off into the depths of the dense woodlands.  Miro and Vaneer just rolled their eyes at each other whilst saying “Sure!”.

The group decide to follow the second river and head west when they're attacked by a water elemental, lightning elemental and 3 lightning treants which are dispatched as quickly as they sprung up.

Half hour later further down the path on the fringes of the woodland the group notice various statues of creatures that appeared to be part human and part animal, to make matters weirder the bark of the trees appeared to be made of flesh as though parts of different beings have been stitched into the trees which have then managed to incorporate them in an unsettling fashion.

Two hours even later the path finally ends at a foul smelling marsh where lots of little red dots could be seen squirming around in the water.

Otto thought it would be clever to cast Chain lightning over the marsh which caused three enormous red worms, each nearly thirty feet in length, to erupt from the marshy waters and charge towards the group.

Otto throws up a prismatic wall at the charging worms causing one to be turned to stone and the other two to be spirited off to different planes of existence.

Otto then teleport's the group to the other side of the marsh where they continue to travel for a further 2 hours before setting up camp for some well needed rest.

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