Monday, 17 September 2018

12th Arodus 18 - That's one horny hunk

The group are on an intercept path to ambush their current bloom quarries.

As they travel Otto decides to shield the group with an invisibility sphere before casting mirror image upon himself.

The group soon stumbles into the path of 12 Ettin's, a skinny female elf like creature with small Ram like horns protruding from her head along with a Satyr like creature with muscles that would make any strong man feel like a scrawny imp which is only then topped by his massive horns extending from his temple.

The horned hulk looks in the direction of the “invisible” group and demands that they hand over the sword 'Briar'.

Obviously the group (aka Miro) told the horned hulk where to shove his request.

The horned hulk then drew his bow and let loose a Seeking, Halfling Bane arrow straight at Miro which hit and sent the halfling flying and yelping in extreme pain as he started to crawl to Vaneer asking for aid,

Otto casts a quickened haste on the group followed by a prismatic wall that separated the group from five of the Ettin's and the Horny hulk to which Miro breathed a sigh of relief,

Boss shoots at the female fey creature with a cold iron arrow which hit it's target followed by a holy arrow which also hit but did not seem to trigger the arrows properties,

Miro chugs down a potion of cure to start his healing process,

Hugo points his Rod of Razors towards the group of 7 Ettin's which shoots a wave of blades with only a couple managing to hit one of the targets,

The female fey manifests a green crystal scimitar in one of her hands whilst in the other an orb of green light which then shoots a ray of light at Boss, the ray strikes and causes the fighter to go blind,

The 7 Ettin's move to attack each of the group members with the exception of Bob.
    • Vs Natalia – Misses
    • Vs Bokken – Hits
    • Vs Vaneer – Misses
    • Vs Miro – Hits
    • Vs Hugo – Hits
    • Vs Otto – Misses
    • Vs Boss – Hits

The other 5 Ettins attempt to run through the prismatic wall;
    • 1 is Hit by the Red wall – Setting the Ettin on fire
    • 1 is Hit by 2 walls (Blue/Indigo) – Ettin is turned into Stone
    • 1 is Hit by the Violet wall – Ettin is sent to another plane of existence
    • 1 is Hit by the Indigo wall – Ettin is electrocuted
    • 1 is Hit by the Orange wall – Ettin is covered in Acid

Vaneer casts a quickened Remove Blindness on Boss followed by a Cure Moderate spell on Miro,
Bokken throws three of his bombs at the Ettin attacking him,

Natalia casts Reverse gravity on the Ettin's and the female Elf, causing all of the targets to float in mid air,

The Horned hulk teleports himself 80ft behind the group,

Otto casts another prismatic wall which again blocks the group from the sights and attacks of the Horned Hulk followed by a quickened fireball at four Ettin's, killing one.

Boss shoots at the female elf and hits twice,

Miro shoots at an Ettin in the anti gravity field and hits one,

Hugo shoots his Rod of Razors into the anti gravity field which hits an Ettin three times, killing it,

The female elf shoots her green ray at Otto which hits and turns him blind,

The remaining Ettin's attempt to throw their javelins at the group but they all miss,

Vaneer uses a cure serious spell on Miro followed by a quickened Remove Blindness on Otto,

Bokken throws an explosive bomb at an Ettin which hits and then throws another explosive bomb at the female elf which misses,

Natalia unleashes another spell at the female elf but she manages to dodge most of the effects in mid air,

The Horned Hulk decides to teleport away from the group and the fight,

Otto casts chain lightening at the floaters followed by a quickened Fireball which combined deals so serious wounds,

Boss shoots at the female elf and kills her with a direct hit,

Natalia dismisses her anti gravity spell and allows the remaining 4 Ettins to fall into the prismatic wall below,
    • Two are turned into Stone
    • One is turned into Stone and shatters as it hits the floor
    • One is Poisoned and dies from the affects

Vaneer uses his Discern location spell on the used Halfling Bane arrow to find out where the Horned Hulk teleported to. The spell finds him in a place called “Thousand Breaths” which was on another plane which the group wouldn't be able to travel to.

Otto teleports the group home back to Wyvernshore.

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