Thursday, 27 July 2017

Rova 19th 17 - Errr Did that horse just talk!?

Head South west over farmlands

Soon find themselves on a large plane overlooking a herd of wild horses grazing in the sunlight.

One of the horses looks in the group’s direction and slowly makes it way towards them whilst the rest of the herd were watching.

Natalia casts calm animal which doesn’t appear to have any effect,

“Stop That!” says the approaching horse,

The group pull up their dropped jaws and begin to introduce themselves to the talking horse,

The horse introduces herself as Wind Chaser and asks why the group are here,

Natalia begins to explain what the group have been up to in the area and the deeds they’ve performed before approaching the topic of why they were seeking the herd.

Windchaser is told that an aristocrat would like to add one of Windchasers herd to their stables.

After some discussion they soon find out that Windcasher use to be a companion to a druid who has long since passed but before he died he used what magic he could to grant windchaser greater intelligence and a better life.

Windchaser also didn’t seem keen to give up one of her herd for a human’s whim and asked if the horse would be taken care of, Natalia then suggested an idea. She first put Windchasers doubts at ease letting her know that the group would keep a close eye on any horse she deemed fit to gift, but Natalia also suggested that Windchaser could allow them to take the weakest of the herd so that they could have a better life.

Windchaser asks for some time to think this over and suggests that the group head south east to find a group of lost humans that she saw a few weeks ago as they were being attacked by some lobster like creatures.

The group agree to Windchasers request and will return once they’ve finished exploring the southern end of the lands.

The group head south east

As night begins to settle both Natalia and Vaneer manage to spot a small camp fire nearby.

The group approach to find a small human refugee camp and the occupants look worried at the approaching adventurers.

Once Otto reassures them that they mean no harm they’re invited to join the warmth of the fire, whilst sharing a skin of wine the group discoverer that the camp residents are originally from fort Drelev whom fled when the barbarians attacked and were now trying to make their way to wyvernshore.

Otto informed the camp that the group had dealt with the barbarian threat and that fort Drelev was safe to return to, the humans cheered and celebrated at the news even more so when the group offered to escort them back.

After a short party the group and camp settle down for the night,

During the night whilst Miro is on watch he spots two lizard like creatures approaching the camp with a hungry gleam in their eyes, Miro raises the alarm.

Vaneer gets up and prepares to take the creatures head on,

Otto rubs the sleep out of his eyes before realising what the creatures coming towards them were and then shouts “Basilisks!!”

Otto then casts disintegrate at one of the Basilisks killing it outright,

The remaining Basilisk stares at Miro with no effect,

Vaneer lands a hit on the beast,

Natalia turns the Basilisk into a rabbit,

Bob attacks the rabbit,

Miro flanks the dangerous bunny and kills it,

The “peasants” joke at the group for raising the alarm over a bunny rabbit.

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