Thursday, 27 July 2017

Lamashan 14th 17 - The lighthouse Kid

In the distance there are fleeting glances of something bright which then vanishes before reappearing elsewhere.

Suddenly a being appears behind the group like a child with clawed hands, it attacks as light pours out of its eyes and mouth,

Otto takes a side step and casts a quickened disintegrate but misses followed by a hold monster spell which also fails,

Creature casts a quickened spell and shoots a ray at Otto scorching the sorcerer,
Something invisible attacks Bob and Zamas but only manages to hit Zamas,

Miro attempts to feint the creature which succeeds allowing him to land a blow,

Vaneer uses a quickened Holy smite on the creature before casting a healing burst on the group,

Natalia casts fairy fire in the area of combat which highlights the outline of a small invisible creature,

Otto casts Cone of cold twice at the glowing creature,

Zamas attacks the small creature,

The glowing creature casts a spell on itself and then fails to blind the group before trying to hit Otto which also failed,

The invisible fey creature tries to blind Vaneer but fails and then attacks Bob hitting the badger hard,

Zamas attacks the fey but misses,

Miro feints and kills the glowing creature,

Vaneer casts an quickened inflict spell on the fairy,

Natalia attacks the fey and hits,

Zamas fails to land a successful blow,

Otto casts Haste and magic missile at the fey creature,

The fey creature casts blindness on Otto which fails, attacks Bob and manages to hit,

Miro flanks the fey creature and hits killing it as it shrieks in pain.

They take a moment to recover from the fight before continuing on their way.

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