Thursday, 27 July 2017

Lamashan 17th 17 - The Shiny River Part 1

The group come across what appears to be a piece of silver string which as they follow soon becomes apparent is the beginning of the river of souls.

To be continued.

Lamashan 16th 17 - Just one more page

The group stumble across a floating plateau with 20 statues of beings in godly poses each reaching into the middle where they touch a tome.

Vaneer casts comprehend languages on the tome and after a while they discover that the book claims to hold the meaning of life, they take some further time to study it which turns into a day.

Eventually after another day of studying it the group break away from the strange magical effect of the book before they continue on their journey towards the river of souls.

Along the journey they notice a few other sights of wonder including,

A strange floating island with a fortress tower to which Zamas informs is Astral Slavers and a site of mass elemental combat.

Lamashan 14th 17 - The lighthouse Kid

In the distance there are fleeting glances of something bright which then vanishes before reappearing elsewhere.

Suddenly a being appears behind the group like a child with clawed hands, it attacks as light pours out of its eyes and mouth,

Otto takes a side step and casts a quickened disintegrate but misses followed by a hold monster spell which also fails,

Creature casts a quickened spell and shoots a ray at Otto scorching the sorcerer,
Something invisible attacks Bob and Zamas but only manages to hit Zamas,

Miro attempts to feint the creature which succeeds allowing him to land a blow,

Vaneer uses a quickened Holy smite on the creature before casting a healing burst on the group,

Natalia casts fairy fire in the area of combat which highlights the outline of a small invisible creature,

Otto casts Cone of cold twice at the glowing creature,

Zamas attacks the small creature,

The glowing creature casts a spell on itself and then fails to blind the group before trying to hit Otto which also failed,

The invisible fey creature tries to blind Vaneer but fails and then attacks Bob hitting the badger hard,

Zamas attacks the fey but misses,

Miro feints and kills the glowing creature,

Vaneer casts an quickened inflict spell on the fairy,

Natalia attacks the fey and hits,

Zamas fails to land a successful blow,

Otto casts Haste and magic missile at the fey creature,

The fey creature casts blindness on Otto which fails, attacks Bob and manages to hit,

Miro flanks the fey creature and hits killing it as it shrieks in pain.

They take a moment to recover from the fight before continuing on their way.

Lamashan 12th 17 - It's the Astral Plane!

A strange star could be seen in the sky at a distance but it soon grew closer and brighter at which point Zamas confirmed that it was the entrance to the astral plane.

As they entered through the planes entrance they were met with a clear silvery sky above and below them, it was everywhere.

Lamashan 11th 17 - It's going to be a long journey

It been two days of walking in nothing but an empty expanse but finally in the distance the group could see shadows of what appeared to be mountains and valleys covered with webs but Zamas guides the group away from that direction saying it would be unsafe to get any closer.

Lamashan 9th 17 - To perplex with a Giant

As the group are travelling near the mountains to the south of Varnhold, Natalia starts to subtly pull back from the group and once at a safe distance she began to summon a Hill giant.

The Hill giant attacks the group and whilst Miro is distracted Vaneer attempted to cast a break enchantment but the spell fails,

Otto casts an invisibility sphere hiding all but Miro and the giant,

Miro takes a swing at the group’s direction but misses,

Vaneer casts another Break enchantment which takes hold and releases Miro.

Vaneer takes a moment to explain to Miro what the group was up to and the affect the sword was having on him let alone that it was drawing every barbarian and evil doer to the sword and its wielder and asked if he was happy to continue to which he agreed.

The group continue towards the mountains to find Zamas the phase spider and her entrance to the ethereal plane.

After a short search they are reunited with Zamas and engage in general chat with the phase spider before approaching the subject of why they were here to see her.

Vaneer explains to her that they need use of her entrance to the ethereal plane so they could journey to the boneyard to destroy an evil artifact.

Zamas agrees to let them through her portal and offers her assistance in escorting the group to the beginnings of the river of souls.

Begin the Travel montage!

Lamashan 7th 17 - The Miro Issue

Vaneer calls the group minus Miro to a private meeting and informs them of his vision from the previous night.

He believed that the graveyard he saw was the ‘Bone Yard’ the place where all souls go to be judged when they die and that the group would somehow need to get Miro there and get him to destroy the sword.

The group agree to prepare a number of spells to try and bring Miro back into full control of his mind and discussed an ‘excuse’ to get the Rogue back on the road.

“A Hill Giant?” asked Miro sceptically,

“Yes” replied Vaneer,

“Otto will show you the note from Varnhold if you don’t believe me” the cleric continued,

“No I believe you, it just seems odd that’s all” the rogue continued,

“Well how often have our adventures made sense?” Laughed Otto as he rested a hand on Miro’s shoulder.

And so the group collected their equipment and made their way towards Varnhold.

Lamashan 6th 17 - Not so sweet dreams

Vaneer has a dream about Miro and his situation.  In the dream the cleric was standing in a graveyard that stretched beyond sight, with an ominous moon hanging overhead.  By his feet was his own gravestone. In one hand the cleric held the sword of Armeg and then he struck the sword over the top of his gravestone, which shattered the weapon into pieces.

Rova 29th 17 - Down time

Now back in the capital the group use their resources to look into the coat of arms they discovered previously, only to learn that the coat of arms belonged to the ‘Towden’ family, a noble line that had died off many decades ago.

Whilst behind the scenes Vaneer had become worried about Miro’s obsession with Armeg’s sword and had continued to research into the matter with little success.

Rova 25th 17 - What is it with these pesky plants!

Along their travels the group stumble into a large bush of cloudberries which they harvest before turning east.

After the short journey east they soon find some blue lily’s growing out of some brown mould.

Otto instantly identifying the mould as a threat sent a ray of frost at it which caused the mould to shrink in size, the sorcerer continued his onslaught by casting a cone of cold which destroys the mould.

With the mould now destroyed the lily’s now freed started charging towards the group after Otto’s cold spells had quickened the plant like creatures.

Miro joins the fray and hits one of the charging lily’s,

Otto throws a fireball at them knowing that Miro would be able to avoid the blast,

Vaneer brings down a flamestrike which kills off all the charging flowers but causes the hidden brown mould to erupt from the ground,

Otto hits the mould with a cone of cold which deals with the issue in one swift move.
Natalia sets to work retrieving what lily’s that survived.

Natalia and Otto decide to use the trees to stride to return the fresh lily’s to their Dryad friend whilst the rest of the group made their way on foot back to Wyvernshore where the group would reconvene in four days’ time.

Rova 23rd 17 - Where's the weed killer when you need it!

Group head south for further exploration,

Eventually they find themselves under attack by three plant creatures, one larger than the other two.

A fight ensures against the slamming hallucinogenic invoking plants but after a long slog the plants are defeated.

The group then head north where they find an area with five exceptionally rare Lilly’s (Azure Lilly).
Natalia spends some time retrieving a couple of Lilly’s as they expel a venom that can paralyse someone if distilled into a potion.

The group then continue to head north

Rova 22nd 17 - Rubba Dub Dub time for a swim

Using water breathing the group take to exploring the lake during which Miro gets harassed by Moray Eels whist crocodiles nibbled at Vaneer’s toes.

After hours of swimming around, an Elasmosaurus as big as the lake appears out of the gloom with interested eyes for the group,

Otto casts hold monster which takes effect,

Miro swims over to attack the creature,

Vaneer critically blasts the monster with a blast of holy energies,

Bob swims over and takes a chunk out of the Elasmosaurus’ neck killing it,

With the aid of many summoned Giant Moray Eels the group manage to get the corpse of the Elasmosaurus back to the fort to show that the creature had been taken care of.

The group rest

Rova 21st 17 - Sleuthing Time

Ask around about the hook tongue creature and only get myths and old wives tales.

Natalia uses her druidic magic to talk with the creatures of the lake and after a while she finds out that the 

Hook tongue is of a species that are numerous in population but the one the group was after was the biggest of them all.

The Group Rest

Rova 20th 17 - A long march

As dawn approaches the group get the camp dismantled and march the humans hard back to Windchaser.

By lunchtime the group arrive back at Windchasers herd, Windchaser approaches the group and greets them. 

After some discussion she had decided to give ‘Daisy Eater’ to the group to take back to Fort Drelev.

The group say thanks and head back to the fort with horse and refugees where they hand Daisy Eater over to the stable master and allow the refugees to disperse and return to their homes.

The Group Rest

Rova 19th 17 - Errr Did that horse just talk!?

Head South west over farmlands

Soon find themselves on a large plane overlooking a herd of wild horses grazing in the sunlight.

One of the horses looks in the group’s direction and slowly makes it way towards them whilst the rest of the herd were watching.

Natalia casts calm animal which doesn’t appear to have any effect,

“Stop That!” says the approaching horse,

The group pull up their dropped jaws and begin to introduce themselves to the talking horse,

The horse introduces herself as Wind Chaser and asks why the group are here,

Natalia begins to explain what the group have been up to in the area and the deeds they’ve performed before approaching the topic of why they were seeking the herd.

Windchaser is told that an aristocrat would like to add one of Windchasers herd to their stables.

After some discussion they soon find out that Windcasher use to be a companion to a druid who has long since passed but before he died he used what magic he could to grant windchaser greater intelligence and a better life.

Windchaser also didn’t seem keen to give up one of her herd for a human’s whim and asked if the horse would be taken care of, Natalia then suggested an idea. She first put Windchasers doubts at ease letting her know that the group would keep a close eye on any horse she deemed fit to gift, but Natalia also suggested that Windchaser could allow them to take the weakest of the herd so that they could have a better life.

Windchaser asks for some time to think this over and suggests that the group head south east to find a group of lost humans that she saw a few weeks ago as they were being attacked by some lobster like creatures.

The group agree to Windchasers request and will return once they’ve finished exploring the southern end of the lands.

The group head south east

As night begins to settle both Natalia and Vaneer manage to spot a small camp fire nearby.

The group approach to find a small human refugee camp and the occupants look worried at the approaching adventurers.

Once Otto reassures them that they mean no harm they’re invited to join the warmth of the fire, whilst sharing a skin of wine the group discoverer that the camp residents are originally from fort Drelev whom fled when the barbarians attacked and were now trying to make their way to wyvernshore.

Otto informed the camp that the group had dealt with the barbarian threat and that fort Drelev was safe to return to, the humans cheered and celebrated at the news even more so when the group offered to escort them back.

After a short party the group and camp settle down for the night,

During the night whilst Miro is on watch he spots two lizard like creatures approaching the camp with a hungry gleam in their eyes, Miro raises the alarm.

Vaneer gets up and prepares to take the creatures head on,

Otto rubs the sleep out of his eyes before realising what the creatures coming towards them were and then shouts “Basilisks!!”

Otto then casts disintegrate at one of the Basilisks killing it outright,

The remaining Basilisk stares at Miro with no effect,

Vaneer lands a hit on the beast,

Natalia turns the Basilisk into a rabbit,

Bob attacks the rabbit,

Miro flanks the dangerous bunny and kills it,

The “peasants” joke at the group for raising the alarm over a bunny rabbit.

Rova 18th 17 - The lease of Derlev

The next day Baron Derlev approaches the group and asks them if they would be happy to stay in town for a couple more days to help boost morale within the town.

The group agrees to the idea leading to the baron asking Otto to aid with Drelev’s development as they had originally been supported by House Surtova but when the baron refused to spy on Wyvernshore surtova had withdrew their support to the developing town.

The group take some time to discuss the options between themselves, eventually they agree to take over the rulership of Drelev and its land. They send a message to Wyvernshore informing the council of their plans and ideas.

Rova 17th 17 - Smarter than the average Kitty Cat

The group head south east

Whilst travelling Natalia senses a large natural creature a number of miles away from them, as they head towards the creature’s position the group discover an overgrown and disused camp.

Just as they’re about to walk across the parameter Miro notices a number of bear traps amongst the long grass some had been triggered whilst the majority were still primed.

Once Miro had disabled the traps the group walk into camp where they find various signs of a massacre around them, at one edge of the camp laid an large fallen tree with claw marks etched into the bark, Natalia believed that the creature that was clever and had purposely pushed the tree over into the camp to bypass the bear traps.

After some time of exploring what’s left of the camp the group continued on their way and soon discover a valley of thorn covered plants between two sloped hills. Amongst the bramble a natural archway of the brambles forming a path through the plants was soon discovered allowing passage through.

As they’re walking through the tunnel Natalia senses again that the large creature was a little ways ahead of them even though the half eaten corpse of a horse they had just passed kinda gave them the same idea.

Soon afterwards the tunnel begins to widen up with more corpses littered around the floor followed by a loud deep roar as a large dire tiger starts charging towards the group.

Vaneer casts Flamestrike and burns the tiger,

Otto casts hold monster which takes effect,

Boss shoots at the tiger twice, his animal bane arrow missing but hits with a normal arrow,

Hugo charges at the tiger and lands a blow,

Miro flanks the tiger and hits it,

Tiger manages to break the magical hold,

Natalia casts Ice storm getting both the tiger and Miro,

Vaneer takes a hit at the tiger but gets hit in return,

Otto casts hold monster again which again holds the tiger,

Boss shoots two arrows and again the animal bane missed whilst the normal hit,

Hugo swings at the tiger (Spear Tooth) and kills it on the spot,

Speartooth had be rumoured to cause havoc around the lands and so the group take the tiger’s corpse back to fort Drelev.

The group rest over night