Friday, 7 April 2017

Rova 4th 17 - Boggards

The evening passes uneventfully,

The group awake early and head to the western boarders and when out of Dragomere they head south.

They soon arrive at a beautiful glade where rather large dragonflies could be seen fluttering around the place.

A little way up in the distance the group could make out what appeared to be a tiny camp where they could also see some humanoid creatures chasing after some of the dragonflies.

As the group got closer they soon could tell that the humanoids were actually Boggards, they approached carefully and were soon spotted as the Boggards start jumping up and down and threaten the group with their spears.

Vaneer casts a comprehend language spell and tries to negotiate with the creatures about safe passage but the attempt fails and a fight breaks out with threats of muggings.

Otto defaults to his signature spell of black tentacles and manages to grapple 9 of the 12 boggards,

Miro uses his magical rings abilities to walk into the tentacle area for some prone combat fun,

Natalia casts a flaming sphere at the remaining three,

Bob charges a boggard and hits his target,

Vaneer shoots another of the free boggards and kills it,

Miro continues to frolic through the tentacles with a giant grin on his face,

The group make short work of dispatching of the rest of the creatures.

Natalia points out that she knows someone that would pay a fair price for the some dragonfly wings and so under her guidance the group set out to collect some wings before continuing to head south.

As night begins to fall the group set up camp and rest for the night.

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