Thursday, 6 April 2017

Rova 3rd 17 - Emissary and the Invading West

Again the group were dealing with the daily bustling’s of the weekly council meeting when all of a sudden with a ‘whooshing’ sound and a slight breeze Emissary suddenly appears in the middle of the council.

The fey creature bows to the council and begins to say,

“Greetings! Apologies for the interruption my friends but I am here at the request of a fair lady whom is currently being chased through the western boarders of your land by barbarians. She has agreed a deal for me to save her and so I am here to ask of you to come to her assistance, you have 90 seconds my friends to decide if you want to rescue her or not before they catch up to her.”

Vaneer and Miro could be seen sporting an annoyed look at this now reoccurring nusience with so many ulterior motives but the group agree to assist Emissary’s client when no sooner they are suddenly whisked away and find themselves standing in front of eight charging barbarians.

Otto throws a Fireball at the charging horde,

Natalia starts to cast a spell,

Boss shoots at a charging barbarian twice killing one of them,

Miro also shoots at the charging horde and manages to kill another barbarian,

Hugo follows the example and also shoots at a barbarian killing a third,

Vaneer ups the ante and shoots twice, killing two barbarians,

A barbarian attacks Bob but misses,

The second barbarian attacks Miro but misses,

The final barbarian attacks Boss and also misses,

Boss retaliates against his barbarian hitting him twice,

Otto casts a scorching ray on two of the barbarians,

Bob attacks his target and hits,

Natalia casts a flaming sphere spell and hits her target,

Miro performs a feint on his target which allows him to kill the barbarian,

Vaneer shoots again and kills another barbarian,

Otto casts a hold person spell on the remaining barbarian which takes hold.

With the last remaining threat currently neutralised the group turn to the lady they are here to rescue and Natalia notices that the clothing she is wearing was in the style of the kingdom to the west of Dragonmere.

The lady bows at the group and introduces herself as Kassandra Numestia, daughter of a general. 

Before she can explain what is happening Vaneer asks her what it was that Emissary had asked for in return for his assistance to which she informs the cleric that he wanted an old family heirloom known as the “fey mirror”.

Kassandra then carries on to explain that she was on her way to Wyvernshore seeking their aid as her city is under attack by hundreds of barbarians, at this point Otto’s hold spell wears off on the remaining barbarian whom collapses to the ground in exhaustion.

The group carry on talking to Kassandra and then set to question the remaining barbarian only to find out that there are more and stronger barbarians on the way that will destroy the group on sight.

With no more useful information to provide Miro ties and gags their prisoner, the group then discuss what steps or actions should be taken next but seem clear on the thought that they should march to meet the approaching barbarian force.

Before marching west the group take the time to send off a number of animal messengers, one to Wyvernshore informing the council of the news and asking them to mobilise the army whilst the other messages were sent to nearby towns and villages also warning them of the possible barbarian horde.

Ravenmoor (or more affectionately known as Yokel Town) was just over the hill from the group so they reluctantly decided to head into town to pick up some supplies and inform the locals of the barbarians whilst Natalia took the sky and scouted the land ahead.

After a while in the air Natalia eventually spots in the distance of what appeared to be a small (around 40) force of Barbarians, Humans and possibly Trolls marching in their direction about 8 hours away by foot and so she flew back to the group as quick as possible to let them know about what she had seen.

The group use the time that they have to set up an ambush just before the village of Ravenmoor, they use the bodies of the previously dispatched barbarians and their tied captor and set them up round a lit camp fire whilst others dug various pit traps around the area.

Once ready the group headed into the nearby fringes of the woods to wait for the approaching force to arrive.

After a short wait the group soon see dark figures approaching against the night sky, they try to keep still and quiet with bated breath as the force approached the camp.

It didn’t work out fantastically to plan as expected, out of the 40 only 3 actually took the lead and headed into the camp one of which falls for one of the pit traps, the majority (34) approached but 20ft behind the lead 3 which left 3 more figures further back keeping watch.

Just as the barbarian falls into the pit trap Vaneer throws up a wall of fire which circles round the majority of the force trapping them in a circle,

Otto takes that as his cue and casts an Black Tentacle spell into the middle of the trapped horde,

Out of the 3 bringing up the rear it consisted of 2 trolls and an human, the human suddenly vanished from view whilst the 2 trolls came charging towards the camp,

The 2 barbarians at the camp ready their weapons and begin to sweep the camp area for any enemy.

The barbarians and trolls stuck between the tentacles and the wall of fire try their best to keep out of reach from the tentacles or try to push themselves through the wall of fire of which the majority are successful only at the expense of injuring themselves severely.

Otto throws a fireball towards the wall of fire where he hits all of the escaping foes killing all the barbarians and almost dropping the trolls,

The black tentacles carryon doing their thing with those still within the wall of fire,

Boss shoots at two of the escaping trolls and manages to kill one,

Vaneer starts casting a spell,

Miro shoots at another two trolls and kills both,

Hugo shoots at another troll but fails to drop the creature,

Natalia casts a lighting storm on a troll causing him to be further singed,

Bob goes sniffing for the missing human,

A barbarian attacks Hugo but misses,

Another barbarian attacks Boss and manages to land a blow,

One of the charging Trolls turns its attention to Bob whilst the other troll moves towards Hugo and Boss,

Otto sends two scorching rays towards the Troll advancing on Bob,

Boss shoots at his troll and hits,

An earth elemental suddenly appears at Vaneers command but fails to hit the charging troll,

Vaneer shoots at an injured troll killing it and insists that the group clear up those that are weak so they can then focus their attentions to the 2 healthy trolls,

Hugo attacks a barbarian and manages to land 3 blows successfully,

Miro leaps from the trees to flank Hugo’s target and also lands a successful blow,

All of those that had been caught in the circle of black fiery death were now all dead.

Natalia sends a lightning bolt at the troll chasing Bob whilst also sending a flame strike in the same direction,

Bob tries to avoid the troll,

A Barbarian attacks Hugo but misses,

The other Barbarian attacks Boss and hits,

The troll chasing after Bob decides to attack Vaneer but thankfully misses,

The other troll attacks Miro and also misses,

Otto casts another fireball over the battle area which ends up killing Bobs troll and Hugo’s barbarian,

In the distance the group can see 2 fire elementals approaching the battle,

Hugo retrieves a pearl containing 100 gallons of water and gives it to Natalia whom shifted into bird form to fly and drop the pearl over one of the elementals,

One of the fire elementals attacks Vaneer but misses,

Vaneer shoots 3 times at Miro’s troll and hits it thrice,

Miro attacks his troll and finally lands the killing blow,

Hugo moves to flank the barbarian fitting Boss and hits,

A lightning bolt descends from the sky onto the remaining barbarian killing it as Natalia squawks in the distance,

Natalia then drops the pearl on to the fire elementals which manages to extinguish one of the elementals,

The remaining elemental tries to slam Vaneer but just misses,

Out of nowhere the missing human suddenly appears next to Vaneer and lands a damaging blow to the cleric,

Otto casts a hold person spell on the new attacker which takes effect,

Boss attempts to attack the fire elemental,

Strangely in a twist of fate the elemental attempts to attacks the held person,

Vaneer fails to cast a dismissal spell on the elemental,

Miro moves to stab the held person and critically wounds the human,

Hugo attacks the human (Amian Trask) and lands a hit,

Bob attacks the human and also hits,

Natalia casts Quench at the elemental and summons down another lightning bolt at the same target,

The fire elemental finally lands a blow on Vaneer,

Otto attacks Amian but misses,

Boss attacks the elemental and lands the blow that destroys it,

Vaneer lets out a healing burst on the group,

Miro smirks as he dispatches Amian,

Exhausted the group return to Ravenmoor for some well needed rest.

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