Two days had been spent distributing confiscated goods
The group now decide it is time to bolster numbers of the
rebellion by rescuing the captured city guard and so they hatch a plan.
It’s soon decided that Natalia, Vaneer, Hugo and Bob would
head towards the docks where their mission would to cause a distraction whilst
Miro, Otto and Boss head to the north east watch tower to rescue the captives.
Whilst on route to the docks Vaneer is stopped by a
barbarian patrol that insisted the cleric removed his shiny armour on the spot
for the cause. Vaneer snorted and blasted the barbarians with a flame strike
Vaneer then cast a sound burst on the barbarians.
The 4 remaining barbarians attack Vaneer with only one
managing to land a successful blow.
Bob attacks a barbarian and kills it.
Natalia summons a lightning bolt which dispatches the 4th
Hugo attacks another barbarian killing it and then takes an
extra swing at the remaining barbarian which he also kills.
An annoyed Vaneer positions the bodies into a lewd position
before making their way through the old temple grounds.
Meanwhile on the other side of the town, Miro and Otto
spotted the column of fire in the sky near the docks and took this as the start
of the distraction. They wait to see the patrols and guards to run towards the
All that was left was 2 patrols, one group of three
barbarians up in the watch tower and a further group on the ground consisting
of three barbarians and a giant.
Otto casts invisibility on Miro,
Miro moves towards the giant guarding the access to the
Otto then attempts to cast Hold Person on the giant which
seems to take hold.
The giant now vulnerable is subjected to Miro’s Coup de
Grace killing the giant out right.
The three barbarians on the watch tower start to throw axes
at Miro.
Whilst the three barbarians on the ground draw their weapons
and rush towards Miro.
Boss shoots at the three barbarians in the watch tower.
Otto casts confusion on the three barbarians on the ground.
Boss shoots again at the tower killing one barbarian.
Miro tumbles behind one barbarian and injures one.
Two barbarians attack Miro but miss whilst the third attacks
one of the attacking barbarians.
The two barbarians in the watch tower continue to throw axes
at Boss but miss.
The barbarian captain appears and attacks Miro but misses.
Boss shoots again up into the tower.
Otto casts a black tentacle spell on the ground which
grapples all the foes in the area.
Miro sneaks up to the captain but fails to land a blow on
the grappled human,
The captain manages to break free of the black tentacles
Another two axes fly down from the watch tower, one managing
to hit Boss this time.
Tentacles fail to re-grapple the captain.
Otto casts a ray of enfeeblement on the captain but it fails
to affect.
Boss continues his barrage on the watch tower managing to
kill another barbarian.
The captain attacks Miro but fails to land a blow.
The final barbarian in the watch tower leaps down from the
tower and manages to land a blow on Boss whilst injuring himself.
One of the grappled barbarians dies from the crushing of the
Boss attacks the barbarian that jumped down on to him and
Otto attempts to cast another ray of enfeeblement on the
captain which hits this time.
Miro lands a critical blow on the captain killing him
straight away.
Otto tries to use his long spear on one of the two remaining
grappled barbarians and hits.
Boss attacks his barbarian and kills it.
Miro flanks the barbarian that Otto was attacking and kills
The tentacles finish off the remaining barbarian.
As Vaneer and Natalia make their way through the temple
grounds they have a change a plan, the flame strike would attract any patrols
to that sight already so wouldn’t it make sense to just launch an attack there
instead of risking multiple smaller conflicts!
They head back to the sight of the previous encounter and
find four patrols approaching at haste to investigate.
Vaneer then casts blade barrier which encircles round three
of the four patrols.
Natalia uses her still running lightening spell to start
attacking the fourth patrol.
Natalia starts to summon a huge earth elemental to aid in
the fight.
The elemental attacks and does hefty damage to the fourth
Bob attacks a barbarian and hits.
Hugo shoots at a barbarian and hits.
Vaneer starts casting.
Two barbarians rush through the blade barrier and
surprisingly make it through.
The elemental hits another barbarian.
Two barbarians attack Vaneer but miss.
Two barbarians attack Hugo but miss.
One barbarian attacks Bob and misses.
Bob hits back at the barbarian that attacked him and hits.
Natalia’s lightening hits another barbarian.
The elemental attacks another barbarian and kills it.
Vaneer’s elemental now appears and kills the nearest
barbarian to it.
Vaneer attacks a barbarian and kills it.
The barbarians fail to hit any of their targets.
Vaneer notices that a patrol of barbarians is racing towards
them from the docks at their back.
The fight continues for a while though the following actions
help sway the combat in the groups favour with little damage to themselves.
Vaneer used a wall of thorns to block the approaching
barbarians from reaching the group whilst
Natalia summoned a water elemental to
take care of those beyond the wall.
The barbarians still contained within the blade barrier all
perish whilst trying to escape which ends up with sprays of blood being
expelled from the twirling blades.
In the end 3 barbarians manage to escape the fight whilst
one surrenders to the group.
Back at the cells, Miro finally manages to break into the
jail house and eventually unlocks the majority of the cell doors when Otto
helpfully points out that there must a key somewhere nearby.
After a bit of time they manage to free all the capture town
guards and then under the use of an invisibility sphere spell they are snuck
out and hidden in various safe houses around the town.
Both groups soon meet back up at the velvet corner with the
captured barbarian and with the use of a candle of truth they soon set out
interrogating their captive.
Through questioning they find out the following Intel;
- There
are about two dozen mercenaries in the garrison;
- The
Fort contains a number of mercenaries and six giants;
- The
Drelev hierarchy is being held prisoner at the Fort;
- The
barbarian encampment has over 100 barbarians and no prisoners;
- Armag
the invasion leader took a small force and headed off somewhere to the north;
- Armag’s
advisors known as the black sisters have travelled with him;
- There’s
a rumour of a black dragon in the area but it hasn’t been seen;
- There’s
a legendary sabre tooth tight ‘Spear Tooth’ to the west;
- The
mercenary leader is in the fort, is female and sings to the birds;
- The
mercenary leaders second in command is a barbarian and in the fort;
- The
mercenary leaders third in command is a spellcaster also in the fort;
- Armag
is looking for something to bring all the ancient tribes together in a
barbarian Cain to the north.
The group leave the barbarian locked in a room as they had
agreed that they would spare his life, little did they know that the rebellion
was planning on poisoning him and wouldn’t survive the night.
Whilst talking through the information they had obtained one
of the older guards interrupts and informs the group that not many people know
that there is actually an old secret passage into the fort basement and points
to a location just out of town where they should be able to find the entrance.
Whilst discussing their plans a member of the rebellion had
been thumbing through their library and had found an old reference to a
barbarian named ‘Armag’.
The passage referred to the ‘Age of Destiny’ where a
barbarian warlord by the name of Armag managed to align all the barbarian
tribes and wreak havoc in the north. He forced the tribes to align and was
quoted for saying that he ‘would live forever and death would never slay him’.
This apparently offended the goddess Pharasma and she did
what she could to try and slay Armag which in turn angered Gorum and so the two
waged battle over Armag’s soul.
Eventually Armag was defeated by a powerful red dragon and
just before his soul entered the bone yard for judgement Gorum infused the
barbarians soul into a sword and buried it ready for his next coming.
Satinder the rebellion leader offered to escort the group to
the ‘Secret Tunnel’ and so Otto casts invisibility sphere on the group and they
set off looking for the entrance.
They manage to sneak out of the town without incident and
soon find amongst some trees near a shallow shore of Hooktongue Lake a small
mechanism in the cliff face that opened an 8ft tall doorway leading into
They followed the passage till it opened into a natural lime
stone cavern where the passage continued further on beyond the cavern. As they
progress through the cavern Miro finds himself stepping on something that went
‘Crunch’ under his feet as what appeared to be skull fragments rose to the
surface of the water they were wading through.
Suddenly black tentacles begin to rise from the surface and
the group are confronted with some sort of Ooze like creature (Formless Spawn),
the Ooze attacks Miro but fails to hit.
The Tentacles also manage to hit Otto, Natalia and Boss but
managed to Miss Vaneer.
Boss throws a javelin of lightening at the Ooze and hits.
Otto casts a scorching ray but misses his target.
Natalia casts a spell but it fails to complete.
Miro attacks and hits the Ooze but seems to deal no damage.
Hugo attacks and hits and does little damage.
Vaneer casts searing light and fails to hit the Ooze.
Ooze attacks and hits Bob, Hugo and Miro.
Otto cast cone of cold and deals some damage to the Ooze.
Boss fires a fire arrow and hits the ooze.
Natalia casts a Ice storm spell dealing some damage.
Bob attacks the one of the tentacles but does little damage.
Miro attacks and does little damage.
Hugo attacks and does little damage.
Vaneer cast Holy Smite.
Ooze attacks Bob and swallows the badger, it also hits Hugo
but misses Miro.
Otto casts another cone of cold and hits the Ooze.
Boss fires another fire arrow but misses.
Natalia moves her flaming sphere and hits the Ooze.
Natalia casts a flame strike which also hits.
Bob attacks from inside the Ooze.
Vaneer shoots and does little damage.
The Ooze attacks and hits Hugo but fails to Miro.
Otto casts another cone of cold and hits.
Boss shoots and hits but deals no damage.
Bob chews at the Oozes insides again.
Miro attacks but deals little damage.
Hugo attacks and does little damage but just enough to kill
the Ooze.
Vaneer and Natalia set to work healing the group back up.
The group then continue through the cavern and down the
continuing passageway.
The passageway begins to incline upwards out of the shallow
waters and eventually opens another larger limestone cavern, in the side of the
cavern they could see that ascending spiralling steps had been carved into the
The group decide to rest in the cave before continuing to
the fort above.