Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Sarenith 25th 14 - In the spirit of Openness

The group spent the evening taking watches over the young lord of Varnhold and no further attacks took place.

It was decided over breakfast that Vaneer would attempt a commune with Erastil to see if the nature deity could shed some light over the previous nights attack. Miro also decided to do some of his own investigation work around town and hired a number of children to take turns to follow the female that had shown such keen interest in Henry Van.

Miro’s investigations proved of little use, the children reported back that the women just wondered around town all day avoiding everyone and only ever seemed to talk her pet ferret.

The Halfling soon decides to break into the women’s room and rummages through her possessions only to find a handful of fine clothing and a small amount of gold proving to the rouge that she was of no importance.

Meanwhile back at the commune ritual the group had invited numerous town folk, young lord Henry and of course Lord Nirion to bear witness to the questions and answers in a show of openness and trust.

Ø      Were the Assassins hired by one of the Noble houses of Brevoy?
o       No
Ø      Were the Assassins hired by anyone currently in Varnhold?
o       No
Ø      Were the Assassins hired by someone from Drelith?
o       No
Ø      Were the Assassins hired by the No-men Centaurs?
o       No
Ø      Were the Assassins hired by anyone in Dragonmere?
o       No
Ø      Is the assassination linked to the previous attempts against Lord Otto?
o       Yes
Ø      Were the assassins hired by anyone from Ravenmoor?
o       No
Ø      Were the assassins sent by the clerics of Gyronna?
o       Yes
Ø      Will there be another assassination attempt in the near future?
o       No

Natalia sends messengers to Wyvernshore and Restov informing them of the evil cult of Gyronna and their attempts to assassinate various lords of the realm and requests that a purge of the cult should be instigated across the lands.

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