Sunday, 25 September 2016

Sarenith 5th 14 - Talon Peak! - You want us to climb THAT!!!

The group head east to Talon Peak in search of the next crystal tree.

Talon peak stood in front of the group, all of the 8,000ft tall mountain awaited for them to climb.

Natalia being the more experience climber of the group agreed to be the lead climber group with the additional aid of a rope of climbing and the spider climb spell. 

The climb starts.

3 hours later the group reach a low plateau. Even after this short period there are heavy winds and cold temperatures already on this far up.  A small cave could be seen and Natalia believed that by some recent tracks that there is a cave bear dwelling within, the group decide to leave the bear alone and continue climbing.

A little further up, roughly about 80ft above the group a number of creatures suddenly appear on a plateau, Otto notices they are reptiles whom are attempting to steal the groups gear whilst they are climbing.

Mephit(1) attacks Natalia and misses.
Mephit(2) attacks Vaneer and hits,
Mephit(3) attacks Miro and misses,
Miro attacks Meptit(3) with a sickle and hits with both his attacks.
Vaneer attacks Mephit(2) with his Morningstar and hits.
Otto casts a scorching ray at both Mephit(2) and Mephit(4) and injures them.
Natalia begins casting a spell.
Hugo attacks mephit(4) and kills it.
Natalia gets an attack of opportunity mephit(1) and backs away.

Mephit(1) breaths a cone of cold over Otto only to give his lordship a slight chill.  Mephit(2) misses Vaneer.

Vaneer smacks mephit(2) twice in the face and sends its lifeless body tumbling down the mountain. 

Otto scorching rays the two remaining mephit’s killing them both.

The climb then resumes as the group now attempts to reach the plateau where the mephitis came from, on the plateau there are a number of small caves that scatter the wall as the group decide to stop for an overnight rest as they are now half way up after 7 hours.

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