Sunday, 25 September 2016

Kuthona 14th 04 - A Drunken Scottish Tree and the Queens Basement

The group find themselves deep within a forest with a small trail leading away from the rift entrance.
Natalia shifts her form into that of a bird and takes to the air whilst the rest of the group start to make their way along the path out of the forest whilst keeping an eye out as much as possible for anymore enemy troops.

Whilst in the air Natalia is able to see off in the distance a large structure which could pass for a palace, the trail that the rest of the group appear to be walking on leads to road which would ironically lead them towards the palace.

Whilst in the air her eagle like eyes are able to pick up along the road that there was an unusual number of Bees flying around which appeared to be following her flight pattern. A little unnerved by this she decides to swoop back down and join the others on the road.

Eventually they approach a low wall of stone that lays either side of the road that they were travelling which seemed to be covered in some sort of haze, as they got closer that haze soon became apparent as a large swarm of Bees. Not sure on how the handle the situation as the group wanted to be as well prepared for the fight with the queen as possible.

The group stop a little way off from the wall to discuss what they should do when Vaneer comes up with an idea and casts create water over the swarm wetting their wings so they were too heavy to lift the buzzers as they group then ran through the opening in the wall and carried along the path.

As they get past the swarm Kyranders half elven eyes spot an blue creature riding on the back of a ginormous Bee heading to them from above as 2 pixies suddenly jump out of a nearby bush in an ambush attack.

Obviously they now knew they wouldn’t reach the queen without a fight!
Vaneer started proceedings by casting a Sound Burst at the Bee riding Mite,
The mite casts flame strike on Natalia, Otto, Kyrander and Miro,
Natalia casts flaming sphere on the mite which fails to burn him,
Kyrander shoots at the Mite with multiple arrows,
Otto casts Magic Missile at the Mite,
Pixie(1) Shoots at Miro whilst Pixie(2) shoots and misses Otto,

Vaneer casts healing healing burst,
The Giant Bee stings Vaneer,
Natalia casts Dispel at the Mite which apparently supresses a spell or maybe two,
Bob charges at Pixie(1) and kills it,
Kyrander attempts to summon a number of Stirges to aid the fight,
Spot charges at Pixie(2) and hits it,
Pixie(2) flys past Spot and attempts to shot spot but misses,
Miro flanks the giant Bee and scores a critical against the stinger,

Vaneer hits the Bee,
As the mite starts to cast a spell Otto hits her with a magic missile causing the mites spell to fail,
Giant Bee attempts to sting Miro and hits the Halfling causing the Bee to lose his stinger,
Natalia moves her flaming sphere on the mite and misses,
Bob charges at the giant Bee and hits it,
Natalia uses her sling on Pixie(2) and hits,
Kyrander’s striges finally appear and attack the mite with all 3 successfully hitting,

Kyrander first shoots at Pixie(2) and kills it, his second arrow is aimed at the giant Bee but misses,
Miro attacks the Bee and critically hits the creature again dealing it the stinging blow,
Vaneer casts another healing blast on the party,
Otto casts magic missile at mite which finishes off the blue skinned creature.

The group take a moment to rest before continuing along the road, after a while of walking along this lovely picturesque scenery the road eventually splits into two. The left seems to lead off to a grove that they all (minus Otto) remembers and the right headed off towards the palace.

The group head towards the grove and find a different Treant sitting in the grove surrounded by barrels and gords, when the ancient tree notices the little people he motions them to sit and share his drink whilst introducing himself as Vinroot.

As they sit Vaneer accepts the living trees offer for alcohol before even Natalia could warn him of the suspected potency of the brew, after much coughing and much redness in his face Vaneer finally hands the gord back.

It soon became apparent to the group that the Treant believed the group of adventurers to be part of his drunken imagination. The group decides to use this opportunity to their advantage and begin to ask questions about the queen and the fey land.

Through the questioning the group soon discover that the queen uses fire and shadow based magic to attack, there is also a secret entrance under the palace which can be found if you follow the stream near the palace.

The group eventually make their way back to the road and continue towards the palace.
As the palace comes into view the group can see that it is covered in a mass of thorns and brambles stretching 3 stories high along with 3 high towers.

The group head to towards the left as they approach the palace where they discover the stream that Vinroot had mentioned, they follow the stream until only their heads are above the water level.

The stream then seems to flow under the palace which eventually flows into a cavern with a passageway leading out of the cavern to the right, they soon notice that there was also a shaft above in the cavern ceiling.

Once they had hauled themselves out of the water and a little time to dry off the group then decides to take the nearest passage to the right which lead into a smaller cavern with a ledge. Miro notices that up on the ledge where a small pile of bones and the glint of something shiny in the torch light.

Vaneer gives Miro a helping hand up on to the ledge and as Miro starts shifting through the bone fragments he notices that some of the vines behind him were beginning to twitch causing the Halfling to jump down from the ledge.

Natalie shouts that she believes the vine to be a assassins vine and the group should use only ranged weapons against it, Otto begins the combat by shooting at the vine … fast forward through a very slow ranged combat with a plant.

With the vine now deceased the group continue out the only passageway leading out of the small cavern, the passageway soon splits with a set of double doors on the right and a cavern could be seen to the left. After some debate the group decide to take on the double doors, Miro gives the doors a quick glance over from traps and confirms that the doors are not trapped.

Vaneer give the doors a push and they opened into what appeared to be a dungeon with a smoking pit of hot coals in the centre, at total of 15 cells were also dotted around the dungeon with another set of double doors in the north eastern wall.

Not seeing much of interest in the room the group head over to the other set of double doors which opened into a torture chamber where 2 sprigans were happily torturing a rabbit but after seeing the group enter the chamber they both screeched with joy at the their new play things.

Otto lets off a fireball at the creatures and injures them seriously,
Miro attacks one of the Sprigans and kills it,
Vanner smacks the other sprigen in the face with his Morningstar but doesn’t kill it,
Bob starts to charge the remaining sprigan but becomes distracted by the now cooked rabbit laying on the floor,
Natalia casts a flame blade spell killing the remaining sprigan.

A passageway to the north east leads to a single door which lead to another single door that suddenly burst open with 2 more sprigans and a satyr rushing through as they charged the group.

A magical effect appeared to befall the group but luckily Bob, Kyranders and Vaneer did not fall to the charm effect.
Vaneer casts searing light at the Satyr,
Bob charges the Satyr,
Kyrander shoots at the Satyr twice with both arrows hitting and killing the creature,
With the Satyr dead the charm effect seemed to wear off the rest of the group.
Otto casts a spell at Sprigen(1),

The sprigans throw thorns at Otto and Kyrander only to hit Otto,
Miro attacks Sprigen(1) and hits it,
Bob attacks Sprigen(1) hitting and killing the creature,
Natalia hits the remaining sprigen with a flaming blade,
Vaneer smacks the sprigen,
Kyrander shoots at the sprigen with the arrow flying true and punctures through the creatures’ skull killing it instantly.

The group investigate the room at which the creatures attacked from to find it is some sort of interrogation room with no other exit making it an ideal location to set up a camp to get some rest before venturing further.

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