Monday, 5 June 2017

Rova 15th 17 - Itsy Bitsy Squider ran up the mine shaft

The group rests uneventfully.
After breakfast Vaneer takes himself away from the group to cast a commune spell.

Is Miro under the effect of a curse? – No
Is Miro under the effect of an Enchantment? – Sort of
Is the source from the sword? – Yes
Did Miro do it of his free will? – No
Would a break enchantment work? – Unlikely
Do we need to destroy the sword? – Possibly
Does the weapon prove a threat? – Yes
Could it prove a threat within the next couple of years? – Yes
Is it intelligent? – Yes
Is it capable of defending itself? – No (Hesitant)
Would the Gods aid in its destruction? – No

The group eventually enter the mine and head down the main shaft till they find an elevator near a newer second shaft.
After some debate and a show of hands the group decide to take the second shaft instead of risking attack whilst in the elevator.

As they make their way down the second passage they notice that all the metal from the pick axes, cart rails and carts themselves are all missing, Miro and Vaneer slow their pace hugging their metallic possessions whilst frantically looking at the shadows around them for any sign of a rust monster.

The ground down the shaft after a while seemed strange, it looked to have been elevated from underground, Natalia looks at the eruption of earth and believes that whatever manner of creature did this it wasn’t natural.

They clamber over the risen mass of earth and carry on their exploration of the shaft till they find another part of the shaft where the ground had again been risen unnaturally from below. Curious to figure out how the ground was being risen Natalia shifted her form into that of an Earth elemental and slid into the floor of the shaft.

As Natalia explored the chasm under the shaft floor she soon found the cause, a creature that could only be described as half spider and half squid (Squider) [GM: The group were unable to figure out that this was an 'Irlgaunt']  appeared to be occupying the chamber and noticed an intruder had found its way into its lair.

As the creature attacked Natalia, she retreated and made her way back to the shaft with the creature giving pursuit behind her.

When Natalia emerges from the floor of the shaft she wastes no time returning to her normal form to inform the group of the chasing creatures imminent arrival.

Otto just has enough time to cast Haste over the group as the Squider emerges from the floor,

Vaneer casts Searing Light and hits,

Natalia casts flamestrike,

Bob attacks the Squider and hits,

Otto attempts to cast Hold Monster but it fails to hold,

Boss shoots four arrows but only one lands a successful hit,

Miro attacks and hits,

Hugo attacks and lands a critical blow,

Squider attacks Hugo back and hits after which it gob’s out a molten ball of acid which also hits Hugo,

Vaneer casts a Holy smite which hits,

Bob attacks and hits,

Natalia casts flamestrike and hits,

Otto casts disintegrate which turns the Squider into dust.

Further down the shaft the group stumble across what appears to be a damaged dam which showed acid marks all over it.

Natalia uses her elemental magic and Hugo’s engineering knowledge to repair the leaking dam.

The group continue investigating the mine and find nothing of any further interest nor do they encounter any other creatures.

Eventually the group leave the mine and head south where they eventually find some abandoned barbarian camps where they set up camp for the evening and rest.

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