-Several months have passed since the party had explored the northern and eastern sections of their kingdom-
It was two days before the summer solstice and a warm summer morning which was soon interrupted by a visit from one of
the Stag Lord's ex-bandits, Auchs, the powerful yet simple minded man who had been living in the village of
Ravenmoor, located in the north-west, populated with around 200 weird Stirge-loving yokels.
Let through by the castle guards, Auchs
had brought Wyvernshore's ruling council a message from Ravenmoor village. Vaneer immediately suggested leaving the village alone as after all they were only
strange yokels! But the rest of the group insisted that Ravenmoor was
part of their kingdom and should be treated with the same respect as any
other part of the kingdom and so Otto opened up the message
and inside it simply read "Help Applesauce". Vaneer sighed at that and rubbed his eyes in frustration... 'Applesauce' was the name of the pet stirge that had been owned by a young lad named Ornigaard Korzha, whom the group had met when they first got to Ravenmoor.
[As you may recall, Stirges are usually killed on sight due to being blood-sucking giant insects - however the village of Ravenmoor had them domesticated as pets! The party had also been a little bit taken aback by Ravenmoor due to it's backwards ways, old traditions and strange dialect]
A debate
took place amongst the council about what actions should be taken and it was eventually agreed that the group would ride to Ravenmoor the following morning and discover what assistance the village required.
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