Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Erastus 11th 02 - 1,2,3,4,5 Once I hit a Worg on the nose

After an nights rest the group get ready to head out again into the kingdom, this time though they headed to the east to find the cave they found a couple of years ago where they first saw the worg and it’s wolf pack hoping that they would still be there.

The group eventually approach the cave in question where a wolf could be seen standing guard and after noticing them lets out a low howl as the group approach.
“I assume this isn’t a social visit!” says the worg as it wanders out of the cave.
Vaneer tries to be diplomatic with the worg. 
The Worg chuckles and suggests being given the Halflings village in replacement for not hunting the cattle.
The Worg explains that no matter the group offered or bartered with the pack gets on well with the trolls and because of their friendship wants to introduce the pinkies to some new minions as 3 troll hounds (worgs mixed with troll blood) with dripping puss sores appear out of the cave.

The Worg chases down to Otto and trips the spellcaster over.
3 Wolves also charge Miro biting the half pint adventurer in the backside.
A Troll hound(1)charges at Natalia and misses.
Another Troll hound(2) charges at Kyrander and also misses.
The final Troll hound(3) charges at Vaneer and not only hits the cleric but trips him aswell.
Miro attacks wolf 1 and kills it.
Otto stands up and casts a haste spell.
Vaneer casts barksin and stands up.
Kyrander attacks troll hound(2) and hits it.
Spot flanks troll hound(2) and attacks the creature damaging it.
Natalia casts a spell but misses hitting her target.
Bob attacks troll hound(1) and hits.
The Wolves completely miss Miro.
The Worg hits Otto and trips him over again.
Troll hound(3) hits Vaneer and trips the cleric again.
Troll hound(2) attacks but misses Kyrander.
Troll hound(3) hits Natalia as she gets covered in the hounds puss.
Miro attacks wolf2 and kills it after it marks its territory over Miro.

Otto stands up again and casts hideous laugher on the worg.
Vaneer stands up again and casts bull strength on himself.
Kyrander attacks troll hound(2) killing it.
Spot flanks troll hound(3) and hits.
Bob attacks troll hound(1) and kills it.
Natalia decides to attack the worg with fire.
The Wolf misses Miro.
Troll hound(3) attacks and misses Vaneer.
Kyrander attacks Troll hound(2) tripping it over.
Troll hound(1) attacks Bob.
Miro attacks wolf3 and kills it.
Otto cast magic missile at the worg.
Vaneer attacks troll hound(3) twice.
Kyrander sets troll hound(2) on fire to prevent it from regenerating.
Spot attacks troll hound(3) and hits.
Troll hound(1) attacks Bob.
Bob attacks and kills troll hound(1).
Natalia attacks the worg and misses.
Worg attacks Otto and trips him back to the ground.
Troll hound(3) attacks Vaneer and misses the cleric.
Miro attacks the worg and misses and then hits it again killing the worg.
Otto casts a scorching ray at troll hound(3) killing it.
Kyrander pours oil and alchemists fire over the corpses of the remaining troll hounds.

With the worg taken care of and skinned for proof that he would no longer prove an issue the group head back to Wyvernshore with their sights now on finding an actual Wyvern.

Erastus 10th 02 - A Ransom of Rainbows

A couple of days have now passed since the marriage of Otto to Margo and the kingdom had finally settled down from all the festivities allowing the council to finally meet again to discuss kingdom matters.

It appeared that the nearby farmers have been complaining about a worg and a pack of wolves that have been attacking their livestock and wished king Otto to rectify the matter and kill the worg.

Also there had been rumours of a dragon being spotted in the forest recently, though after talking to “eye witnesses” it may more likely be a Wyvern. Ideally the creature if found should be dispatched but if it could be negotiated with? ...Then surely Wyvernshore could live up to its name with a Wyvern protector? An prospect that the majority of the group found pleasing.

Otto sat at the council pondering what action should be taken next when Natalia suggested that maybe there was a third and possibly more important issue to investigate?

Otto raised an eyebrow as to question the druids comment and Natalia suggested finding the fairy dragon first and find out the meaning behind his actions and the “present” he left for the king on his wedding day.

Otto agreed that would be an ideal issue to look into as the fey creatures actions had been rather random and out of character and so ordered the group to gather their equipment and to meet at the stables before heading north to the fairy’s nest.

As they approached closer to the nest area all around them the group could see nothing but fallen trees and the faint sound of sobbing. The tree’s that still stood intact or just broken showed evidence of large claw marks within the ancient bark.

Heading towards the west were scatterings of tiny arrows and drops of green blood (troll blood), it took a little while but between Natalia and Otto they managed to coax the fairy dragon down from the tree with a little wine.

After a few thimbles of wine the tiny fey dragon seemed a little more respondent so the group took the opportunity to ask why the wedding gift of bees? The tiny fey started to sob again as he told the tale of how a troll came smashing through the woods and took his fey friend Titatut hostage unless the tiny dragon tried to kill king Otto and now the troll refuses to let his friend go.

Shocked to hear the tale the group agrees to track the troll down and do what they can to rescue Titatut, they ask if there were any clues as to where the troll could be sadly the tiny dragon could only comment that the troll stank of rotten eggs.

The group discuss their options as Otto suddenly makes the connection of the rotten egg smell with that of the smell from the giant frogs at hot springs to the west.

The group nod in agreement and quickly mount their horses before heading south and the south west to the foul smelling area.

As they approach springs the group find the area has been decimated and all the giant frogs laid on the group slain, Kyrander scouts around the area and eventually notices signs of a large creature travelling to the south.

Again the group mount up and begin to ride south, as they near the area there are signs of more fallen trees, and upon one great oak there appeared to be a warning sign in rainbow blood writing which unhelpfully no one in the group could read. 

As they approach the swampy area both Miro and Kyrander decide to stealth into the swamp. As they approach what appeared to be the remains of some sort of mud village the pair could hear voices of arguing between something high pitched and the other a low grumble. Miro heads to the north of the little village and spots a small grigg that is chained up in a small hut, the grigg was complaining about the trolls hostage plan to the troll saying that it is doing it all wrong, the troll..just seemed despondent and shrugged.

Kyrander slowly stealth’s his way out to give the group an update on situation.

A plan is devised and Kyrander is sent back into the swamp to update Miro on plan of action. The plan set out was for Kyrander and Miro to find the opportunity to douse the troll with oil whilst the rest of the group charge in and set it on fire.

The plan all set the group begin to set it in motion with Miro taking the first action as he moves closer and throws a flask of oil at the troll.

Miro’s flask flies through the air and finds its target and hits the troll.
Kyrander then throws his flask and also hits the troll.
The troll turns to look at Miro given the Halfling an expression of hatred.
Vaneer arrives into the village and throws an alchemist fire at the troll and really misses his target almost setting Kyrander on fire.
Natalia then casts a flaming sphere but the troll dances round the ball of flame unscathed.

With the combat ongoing Miro attempts to stealth into hut where Titatut is chained up and tries to pick the locks.
The Troll charges Vaneer and hits the cleric.
Kyrander throws his own alchemists fire and manages to hit the troll.
Otto then appears and casts a scorching ray and hitting the now flaming troll directly in the chest.
Vaneer sensing that the troll might pick on him casts a barkskin spell.
Natalia moves the flaming sphere to the troll who fails to dodge the ball of flame and therefore burning him further.

Miro fails to unlock all the chains preventing him rescuing the fey.
The Troll manages to bite Vaneer and takes a chunk out of the clerics shoulder.
Otto casts a haste spell and moves to flank the troll.
Kyrander draws his bow and shoots the troll twice.
Vaneer manages to swing his mace and hit the troll.
Natalia’s flaming sphere manages to burn the troll again whilst she lightening bolts the troll.
Miro fails again at breaking the locks.
Vaneer and Otto take advantage by attacking the troll as it moves to attack Kyrander and both miss.
Otto charges the troll with a long spear and hits.
Kyrander drops his bow and then draws his long sword and attacks the troll twice dealing enough damage along with the previous burnings to kill the troll.
Miro finally manages to release Titatut from his bindings.
Vaneer takes the opportunity to fill his waterskin with some of the troll’s blood before the group set to incinerating the troll’s remains before the creature regenerates it’s wounds.

With wounds now healed the group escort Titatut back to Peverlish the fey dragon whilst Titatut recounts the horrid tales of the ‘cripple killer’ that have been whispered amongst the travellers, Kyrander hearing this subtly falls to the back of the group.

Eventually the group find out that the Troll was saying that the forest wasn’t for pinkies (Humans) and that they should be wiped from the land. Once Titatut was finally home safely the group heads back to wyvernshore and takes the waterskin of troll’s blood with them to hand to Boken as he had previously requested.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Erastus 8th 02 - Wedding Day!

It’s the wedding day!

There’s a massive and impressive parade through the streets and the ceremony goes off without a hitch, the bride? Well as expected he appeared beautiful, the groom? Well I guess we could call him dashing out of church! No seriously he was just nervous, sweaty and dashing. The high priest? Well he was just heavenly and amazing!

Apart from a couple of the noble houses not attending the only other event of interest was the fairy dragon had come to the wedding and the group had assumed the fairy was crying with joy from the ceremony as he presented a lumpy wedding gift but with tearful eyes he insisted that Otto didn’t open it and flew off.

Miro with a quizzical look checks package the out and can hear the sound of buzzing from within.

The rest of the nobles and royals present gifts to the married couple with the group finally presenting the lucky couple with the deeds to Fish and Chip island (Don’t tell the King he already owned it though!)

As the night ended there were fireworks and a slight tremor.

Sarenith 30th 02 - The Paranoid ravings of a madman...Oh wait it's just the Cleric!

After a booze filled evening Vaneer eventually falls asleep and dreams of black tentacles ripping him apart and other odd things with the use of tentacles.

During his morning prep Vaneer ask Erastil for a couple of castings of the comprehend languages and used one of those spells to read the writing on the map which proves to cause more confusion then answer any questions with revealing a riddle of sorts to the islands hauntings.

The group head back to tower and straight up to the tower chamber. Once up in the chamber Vaneer casts his remaining language spell to read the carvings on the wall.

Whilst the cleric begins reading the scribbling on the wall the rest of the group fail to notice anything amiss as the clerics voice soon starts to take on a foreign tongue.

Whilst Vaneers speaking begins to hasten and become less coherent the group notices that all of a sudden a grey/purple coloured hound appears from nowhere staring at them with deep red eyes before just as suddenly disappearing.

Once the cleric had finished with his reading he confirms that what was contained on the wall were actually prayers and runes. Vaneer also announced that he has knowledge that there is actually something “living” in the pit and so the group heads back downstairs to the pit.

Otto spends some time investigating around the top of the pit and declares that he believes it to be an illusion and is roughly 50ft deep with a mud covered bottom.

Kyrander then goes to tie a rope around Otto and lowers the sorcerer and rope down in attempts to help disprove the illusion to the rest of group as the sorcerer is lowered black tentacles begin to reach out of the darkness.

Vaneer casts a cure serious and dispels the haunting. The dispelling reveals the 50ft pit and a creature shifting under the mud with multiple mouths and eyes (gibbering mouther). Kyrander seeing the creature at the bottom and near to Otto hastily begins to pull Otto up as he casts scorching ray which barely hurts the mouther.

Vaneer begins to cast a spell.

Gibbering mouther casts confusion (Kyrander and Vaneer affected)
Kyrander acts normally and manages to pull Otto up and out of the pit.
Otto casts scorching ray and hits the mouther
Miro steps further back from the pit and draws his bow.
Natalia casts a lightening spell at the mouther.
Vaneer takes his mace and decides it would be a good idea to hit himself in the face which breaks the spell he was attempting to cast.
The Mouther attempts to confuse Vaneer and Kyrander again but it fails to take effect.
A hound suddenly appears from nowhere and attacks Miro from behind (lesser hound of tinder less).
Otto casts a spell and misses.
Miro faints an attack to the left at the hound and pulls it off only to hit the hound for no damage (Insert Mutley snigger).

Natalia manages to kill the mouther whilst striking it with another lightening spell.
Bob attacks the hound.
Vaneer fails to hit the hound with a searing light.
The hound attacks Miro and injures him seriously.
Kyrander shoots the hound and hits it. 
Spot misses his attack.
Otto casts magic missile and hits the hound.
Miro attacks and hits the hound.
Natalia summons another lightening bolt whilst producing a flaming sphere.
Vaneer takes the moment to heal Miro just as the hound suddenly disappears.

Turning their attentions back to the pit and Otto decides to feather fall down to the bottom of the pit and searches through the mud and finds 2 rings. After exhausting any chance of finding more items Natalia casts a water spell and washes the mud away at the bottom of the pit to reveal a holy symbol of madness engraved into the floor.

With all the fun now exhausted from this boarless stag hunt the group decide to return to Wyvernshore.

Sarenith 29th 02 - To the local Chippy!

It was decided with the wedding just over a week away that Otto needed some sort of stag to celebrate his marriage and that whilst Margo would be off riding horses with the other noble women of the land what wouldn’t be better than a boar hunt on a mysterious yet haunted island!

The new named Fish and Chip Island just to the south of the kingdom had developed a notorious reputation of being haunted and that even the bravest of men can’t spend more than a few hours on it shores before returning a nervous wreck.

The island itself was 1 mile out into the lake and so the group use the collection of swan boat tokens that they had collected during their adventures.
The boat ride doesn’t take long and is pretty uneventful apart from the thick clouds or mist on the water getting thicker and thicker as they approached the island only to suddenly disappear near the shore to reveal a nettle covered island.

As the group begin to make their way through the island of nettles they eventually find themselves in the middle of the island staring at what appeared to be a ruined building with a tower attached to it. Just beyond the ruins a mysterious light could be seen dimly in the distance away from the ruins floating and then disappearing.

Choosing to ignore the mysterious vanishing and reappearing light the group move slowly towards the ruins of the 50ft tower and single story building.

As they approached an eerie feeling began to wash over them and all except Natalia became shaken with apprehension and fear. They notice that there was only one entrance into the tower at the furthest end with two large rotten wooden doors.

The rotten doors loamed in front of the stag party and before they could even think about what action to take next the sound of running footsteps could be heard from the other side of the door just as a group of cultists came running through the door and towards the un-expecting adventurers.

Vaneer notices that the cultists running towards them are part of a spiritual effect known as a “haunt” and casts a healing burst full of positive energy to dispel the haunt which disperses the rampaging cultists.

Vaneer takes a minute to explain what had just happened before the group decided to investigate inside the old building, towards the tower side there stood an altar and behind it passage into the tower could it be seen heading into darkness.

As Natalia moves towards the altar, gradually the increasing sounds of whispers and footsteps could be heard in the area. Before the haunt could come to its full effect Vaneer again successfully suppresses the haunt.

A lot of rubble could be seen around the altar with no obvious signs from where that amount of rubble could have come from as the walls and ceilings were still almost intact and so Miro and Kyrander search the rubble and eventually find a dagger buried under one pile.
Kyrander picked up the dagger and as soon as the rangers hand clasped the hilt his facial expression suddenly changes as a crazed look takes over and he begins to walk to.

Vaneer casts a spell at the ranger and commands the ranger to drop the dagger but the ranger ignores the Clerics command.

Otto attempts to move over and touch Kyrander but managed to trip on some nearby rubble and misses as he falls.

Vaneer casts a healing burst hoping that Kyrander was being possessed by another haunting but the positive energy seemed to have no effect.

Otto casts a spell and causes Kyrander to burst out laughing.

Mirro attempts to knock the dagger out of Kyrander’s hand but misses.

Natalia casts a flame blade and tries copy Miro’s idea to sunder the dagger and misses.

Vaneer casts cure light on Kyrander which seemed enough to suppress the daggers haunt on the ranger.

As Kyrander began to come round from the daggers affects he discloses that he had this uncontrollable urge to approach the altar and disembowel himself.

The group take a few moments to gather their courage and then move through into tower room, the room was 35ft high with 2 staircases winding up to the top of the tower and a single pit in the middle of the floor that appeared to drop into darkness.

Otto picks up a loose pebble and casts a light spell throws a lit rock into the pit as the group watches the rock fall into the darkness with no sound of hitting the bottom, it was soon decided it wouldn’t be a good idea for someone to jump in and see actually how deep the hole was.

The group decide then to head up the staircase which lead into a chamber at the top of the tower. The chamber appeared to be untouched for a long time; crumbled bookshelves lined the walls and a single human skeleton in the middle of the room seated in a praying position, a scroll case lay nearby and carvings in a strange language could be seen carved into one of the walls.

Inside the scroll case is a map of the island and on the bottom of the map there appeared to be some writing on it but in a language that no one could read.

Turning his attention to the carvings on the wall Vaneer figures out that the writings actually were magical and radiated necromancer energies.

The group eventually leave the tower and head north to the area marked “ww” on the map. 
Whilst travelling both Kyrander and Natalia review the map and notice that none of the landmarks on the map matched up to the surrounding area.

Kyrander, Miro and Vaneer then notice a bobbing ball of light which suddenly floated through the air towards the group before disappearing, the group turned to Vaneer expecting the cleric to have cleared the haunting but Vaneer just looked at them with a confused expression and a shrug of a shoulder.

At that moment Miro and Kyrander suddenly get the feeling that there is possibly something invisible following them as they travel northwards.

Then out of nowhere the ball of light (Will-O-Wisp) suddenly re-appears and zaps a bolt of electricity at Miro. 

The wisp attempts to electrocute both Miro and Otto but miss both.
Kyrander shoots and misses.
The wisp critically hits Miro.
Otto casts magic missile and hits the wisp
Natalia misses her attack,
Miro manages to score a hit.
Vaneer tries to keep Miro in the fight by healing him.
Kyrander shoots and critically misses as his arrow flies into the water.
The Willo hits Miro.
Otto casts another magic missile which deals the killing blow to the Will-o-wisp.

Before resting for the evening they continue to explore the rest of the island only to find that the small isle was just covered in nothing interesting than nettles and brambles.

Monday, 22 February 2016

Early Sarenith 02 - You COULD save the queen...IF you wanted to!

With the plague still not subsiding the city soon becomes a little restless so it was decided to send Chief Sootscale out to aid in reducing the unrest and esure the citizens that all is being done that can be done with Vaneer spending every waking moment treating the ill.

After a couple of weeks from the stirring unrest the plague starts to show signs of stopping and Wyvernshore breathe a sigh of relief that the hardship is finally over.

Gregory the town crier again asks to speak to Miro in private over a drink and informs the general of a suspected plot to kidnap the Otto’s prospective queen. The rumour is that a husband and wife will arrive in town shortly and replace the queen with a doppelganger. Then the doppelganger will wait till the wedding night and dispatch Otto taking the rulership for itself.

Miro hastily made his way to the city guard and instructed them to investigate the rumour and if proven true they must make it a priority to find and arrest the doppelganger.

After a couple of days a suspicious couple entered Wyvernshore and were apprehended and questioned when eventually the husband proved that he was indeed a doppelganger on a mission to replace the Queen Margo. Happy with the outcome and effectiveness of his council, Otto declared that Gregory was to be rewarded.

Desnus 02 - The plague of wedlock!

For a number of weeks now a large number of citizens had begun to fall fatally ill and it wasn’t long before a greater plague began to sweep it way across the city!

During the outbreak Gregory (one of the party guests from the feast of the dancing lady whom had been invited to become the city crier), Natalia and Miro meet for a drink at Gregory’s request.

During the drinking Gregory admits to his two friends that he has a confession to make. He begins to recount a long drawn out tale which resulted in Gregory being employed to spy on the group and their kingdom by one of the other noble houses and broadcast the groups “evil” doings and mistakes to their citizens and to cause as much unrest as he possibly could.

Shocked at his courage to confess his secret Natalia asks why come clean, the crier admits that because the group has treated him so well and with respect he feels he couldn’t follow through with the deed.

Miro asked the burning question of whom the identity of Gregory’s employer was but the crier did not know as he was employed by a 3rd party of another 3rd party but from his digging he has been able to unravel that one of the noble houses is responsible.
Natalia and Miro thank Gregory for his honesty but obviously feel that had to jokingly threaten to make him one of Vaneers altar boy should he try anything else. Gregory laughed nervously hoping that it was indeed just a joke!

Of course the plague was an issue and Vaneer seemed quite capable dealing with the outbreak but there was one event that had the great Otto shaking in his boots wedding preparations!

Meanwhile as a distraction Chief Sootscale invites the group for a feast with him and his fellow kobolds to which the group graciously accepts, when they arrived at the kobold hold they find it to be a busy place with kobolds running backwards and forwards, the smell of roast boar and elk filled the air.

The group where shown into the grand common room where Chief Sootscale and 2 trolls were sat waiting for the group, Otto started to worry that the trolls were female and this was some sort of Stag event ahead of the marriage.

Otto soon relaxed when he saw that one of the trolls was the same troll that was present at the feast of the dancing lady – King Holgoka whom to seemed surprised to see the group in Chief Sootscales hold.

Tensions then rose as the group and trolls nervously watched each other over till Sootscale explained that King Holgoka was visiting the kobolds and was trying to convince the kobolds to leave Wyvernshore and join his kingdom instead and so Sootscale wanted to know the groups opinion on the offer.

The group asks Sootscale if he feels oppressed but Sootscale insists that they answer his question first on how they view the kobolds, the group tells Sootscale that they value the alliance and friendship of the kobolds and is why they honoured Sootscale with his position on the council but if they felt oppressed there would be no hard feelings should they wish to join the troll kings kingdom.

Sootscale sits and ponders in silence for what seemed hours but agrees that the pinkies have been true and kind to his tribe and that they will stay with Wyvernshore. King Holgoka expressed his dissatisfaction and left disgruntled as the group begin to feast.